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与 exaggerations 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The fishes which dwell therein are quaint and strange; their huge heads, prodigious jaws, and long tails and tentacles are, as it were, gross exaggerations of the common and conventional forms. We look in vain for any purposeful cause or physiological explanation of these enormities; and are left under a vague impression that life has been going on in the security of all but perfect equilibrium, and that the resulting forms, liberated from many ordinary constraints, have grown with unusual freedom.


This is a breed that has no gross or incapacitating exaggerations and therefore there is no inherent reason for lack of balance or unsound movement.


This is a breed that has no gross or incapacitating exaggerations and therefore there is no inherent reason for lack of balance or unsound movement.


Perhaps they exaggerated Jack ' s appearance and traits, perhaps those exaggerations melded with real incidents in people ' s minds, leaving history as an amalgam of fiction and truth.


He is not easily astonished, he is still less easily terrified, he makes songs on superstitions, he takes the wind out of exaggerations, he twits mysteries, he thrusts out his tongue at ghosts, he takes the poetry out of stilted things, he introduces caricature into epic extravaganzas.

他不轻易感到惊奇,更不容易 Dddtt 恐惧,他用歌谣讥刺迷信,他戳穿谰言妄语,嘲讪神异,对着鬼怪伸舌头,拆垮虚张声势的空架子,丑化歌功颂德的谀词。那并不是因为8 Tt t 8。

Then it breeds in its votaries affections and exaggerations, as it did with the Brahmins in the time of the decadence of Indian civilisation, when the perception of the higher truth fell away and superstitions grew up unchecked.


He'd cross-referenced the soft blues and golds of Vermeer and the elaborate lace collars and sleeves of Van Dyck with typically Galliano-esque hyper-exaggerations of Dior's tight-waisted, full-skirted fifties shapes.

他跨界引用了Vermeer画作中的淡蓝色和金色,借鉴了Van Dyck画作中的精致的蕾丝衣领和衣袖,配以Dior的典型的五十年代的收腰、宽裙New Look造型并加以Galliano式的夸张。

He'd cross-referenced the soft blues and golds of Vermeer and the elaborate lace collars and sleeves of Van Dyck with typically Galliano-esque hyper-exaggerations of Dior's tight-waisted, full-skirted fifties shapes.


Xuan Zang's adventures, which were made more adventurous through hyperboles or exaggerations in the succeeding generations, gradually developed from the Buddhist's stories into a novel of literature.


And that it's possible to talk to someone without any lies, with no sarcasms, no deceptions, no exaggerations or any of the things that people use to confuse the truth.


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Do not gum up the work by telling mother what we are going to do .


In recent years, application of the partial prestressed concrete beam s is developed.


Gorky once said:"If it is not a book, I'd be stupid and indecent drowning."
