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与 episodically 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Not all people who hear voices are schizophrenic, he says, noting that people can hear voices episodically in highly emotional states.


Although we think of cell phones as communication devices that we episodically and intentionally use, we should recognize they are also passive sensors that can silently collect, exchange, and process information all day long.


In Gabon , chimpanzees had a biscuit diet of constant nutrient composition except that the sodium content was changed episodically over 3 years from 75 to 35 to 120 mmol/d.

作者对来自加蓬的17只猩猩和美国德克萨斯州的110只猩猩进行钠盐摄入改变的观察试验。其中,加蓬的17只猩猩在3年的观察时间内分段式给予每天75,35,120mmol 的钠盐。

John McCain and Barack Obama offer similar diagnoses of the past year's credit crises — though the turmoil has only episodically been a focus in the longrunning presidential campaign.


"Overall, our findings are reassuring for users of natural family planning, for couples who have intercourse episodically, or for couples who have intercourse infrequently of their own volition for health or other reasons," the authors write.


"Overall, our findings are reassuring for users of natural family planning, for couples who have intercourse episodically, or for couples who have intercourse infrequently of their own volition for health or other reasons," the authors write.


Neither of these ideals has been more than briefly and episodically descriptive of reality, or has served, except momentarily, as the principle around which the politics of race was organized, because, alas, not many realms in American life have been either truly color-blind or truly integrated.


Excavation in the previously little-explored western portion of Olduvai Gorge indicates that hominid land use of the eastern paleobasin extended at least episodically to the west.

在奥杜瓦伊峡谷不太知名的西部,美国新泽西州Rutgers大学的Robert Blumenschine和同事们发现距今180万年的人科的面部和颌特的化石。

The base heat flow elevated episodically in rifting phase and it did not always keep attenuating in post?rifting phase.


Molar tooth structures are episodically located in Precambrian subtidal shallow marine environment, and their temporal and spatial characteristics indicate incompatibility with stromatolites.



Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
