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enrollment rate相关的网络例句

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与 enrollment rate 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When you look back over the last several decades, there is a strong correlation between changes in graduate-school enrollment and changes in the unemployment rate,' says Linda Barrington, research director and labor economist at the Conference Board, a New York business research group.


The enrollment rate in this age group is above 40%.

入学率在这一年龄组的40 %以上。

In 1995, the rate of children school enrollment reached 99.7%.


Nearly three years, Jiang Choi MBA student enrollment and the employment rate of sustained growth Limen, for a total enrollment of 2,448. Currently a total number of 994 graduates, the number of schools in 1449, including three consecutive spring projects, the number of candidates. taking the number of first in the country.


There is some evidence that scale enlargement of higher education has huge economic value. gross enrollment rate ; scale enlargement of education ; economic growth ; marginal derived contribution


Four-year-old more than 95 percent enrollment of children, school-age children enrollment rate of 100%.


The gross enrollment rate of higher education will have been close to 15% by the year 2010." This was clearly stated in "Plan on Education Vitalization Activity Oriented to the 21st century" issued by the Ministry of Education of People"s Republic of China.


The existence of these students is unavoidable due to the current class-teaching system and the present examinational system, which seek a higher rate of enrollment in higher schools one-sided way.


The current middle school, primary school enrollment rate reached 98.5% and 100%, retention, respectively, 99% and 100%, one county in the rate of entrance of the Kodak line of the city's first Habitat for five consecutive years.

目前初中、小学入学率分别达到 98.5%和 100%,巩固率分别达到 99%和 100%,县一中高考本科达线率连续五年居全市第一。

County-wide "three disabled" 90 school-age children and adolescents who have special education into the school or learning in regular class of 81 people,"three residual" school-age children enrollment rate of 90%.



Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
