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与 dulcimer 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Most makes me arrogantly is, I will have one pair to become the future dulcimer hand.


The entire album is filled with her trademark hammered dulcimer and hummell, the warmth of her contralto voice and an energy which leads from dancing to dreaming and back again.

西诺特合作了"无人喝彩"("Without The Fanfare"),绝大多数为现代歌曲,后来这些歌曲成为流行金曲。1987年和1988年,布莱克被爱尔兰摇滚音乐奖选为最佳女艺人。

The memorable string sections were written by Mehdi and performed by the Swiss Philharmonic Orchestra. These heavenly Instrumentals include piano, acoustic guitar, violin, cello, flute, electric guitar, hammered dulcimer, rhythmic hand percussion, drum kit and Japanese Taiko drums all placed in lush orchestral arrangements.

令人陶醉的弦乐部分是由梅迪作曲,瑞士爱乐交响乐团管弦乐队演奏,器乐包括钢琴,吉他,小提琴,大提琴,长笛,电声吉他,重拍洋琴,打击乐器,敲击鼓,和日本Taiko 鼓等,全部被编排在大型管弦乐队的演奏中。

The dulcimer to me is in the life an essential part.


Had solved these problems, can improve the efficiency of dulcimer study greatly.


playing dulcimer is not just need the skill, however the strong psychological activity is much more important.


The Romanian dulcimer, an important part of the European dulcimer system, is popular among the Romanians.


To enhance dulcimer performance art results in the pursuit of the identity of music performance and music inner ear training capacity has become a symbol of dulcimer playing.


Beginning with the origin and development of the Chinese Dulcimer and the history of Chinese society, the article tries to set a deep analysis on the progress of the localization of Dulcimer in China.


This paper mainly demonstrates that "teachers levels","student interests" on the dulcimer the impact of teaching and that teachers and students who can work closely and form a good interaction, would further enhance the dulcimer teaching of great significance and role.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
