查询词典 depleted uranium
- 与 depleted uranium 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
NATO ambassadors have rejected calls for moratorium on the use of antitank weapons containing depleted uranium.
In-vivo neutron and gamma spectra of depleted uranium sphere and vanadium sphere under central D-T neutron source were measured,with a 18 mm×20 mm stilbene crystal detector, at 7,10,13,16,19,22 cm away to the center in 45° direction in depleted-uranium sphrer, and 1.8,4.8,8.3 cm away to the center in the 0° direction in V sphere.
为获得介质内中子能谱及伴生γ能谱的实验数据,在中心D-T中子照射下,用18 mm×20 mm的茋闪烁体探测器,测量了与D+束成45°角的水平方向距球心7、10、13、16、19、22 cm位置处贫化铀球介质内的中子能谱和伴生γ能谱,以及钒球内与D+束成 0°角、距离球心1.8、4.8和8.3 cm处的中子能谱和伴生γ能谱。
You think depleted uranium might have something to do with his tumors?
The global pollution of the atmosphere with depleted uranium radioactive poison gas since 1991 is causing a global epidemic of chronic illnesses, which will contribute to extensive depopulation and ecological destruction.
Was a pretext to engage in genocidal and ecocidal depleted uranium bombing of Central Asia.
Measurements were also completed for neutron flux distribution and average fission fraction of 235U isotope in depleted uranium sphere.
Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon said quote we have not found any link between illnesses and exposure to depleted uranium unquote.
The oxidation kinetics of depleted uranium was studied in pure oxygen pressure of 5 kPa at below 100°C by using spectroscopic ellipsometry. The relationship of the thickness of uranium oxide with time is measured. The results indicate that below 100°C in the initial period, the relationship between oxidation layer thickness and time is parabolic. The oxidation mechanism of depleted uranium is discussed and the active energy of depleted uranium at given experimental conditions is 87.165kJ/mol from calculation.
Pellar TC%Fuciarelli AF%Ejnik JW Distribution of uranium in rats implanted with depleted uranium pellets 10.1093/toxsci/49.1.29 Toxicological Sciences , 1999,1
李蓉%艾国平%徐辉%任泂%楼淑芬%程天民%粟永萍%郑怀恩%蒋建新%黄跃生吸入贫铀粉尘和/或嵌入贫铀片大鼠体内铀的分布第四军医大学学报, 2004,6
The heat-producing power of weapon-grade plutonium, weapon-grade uranium and depleted uranium per kilogram were calculated through simulation and dynamic decay cascade, the regression line was fitted and analyzed. The temperature fields of the nuclear explosive device raised by Steve Fetter were analyzed according to the simulation results of the heat-producing power of the exothermic materials. The hypothetical models of the nuclear explosive device were modified according to the normal disposal method in industry manufacture, and thermal stress distribution was simulated with the information processed before.
通过级联衰变动力学计算得到每千克武器级钚、武器级铀及贫化铀的放热功率,并对仿真结果进行拟合分析;选取其最大值对Steve Fetter提出的公开核装置假想模型进行温度场数值仿真;根据工业生产实际对Steve Fetter提出的公开核爆炸装置假想模型进行修订,并对其进行热应力仿真分析。
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Depleted Uranium Is A War Crime
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