英语人>网络例句>delay 相关的网络例句

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与 delay 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In a DAW environment, one method is to generate a dedicated delay-effect track.


If, however, you are using a hardware-based processor or your song was recorded into a DAW without a click, then you may need to calculate the delay times.

如果你使用一个硬件效果器或者你的歌曲是在没有的CLICK的情况下在DAW上录制,那么你就可能要自己计算DELAY TIMES了。

It offers visual editing (Cut,Copy, Delete Silence, Paste, Paste From File, Mix, Mix From File) and various effects, including Amplify, Delay, Equalizer, Fade, Flanger, Invert and others.

该软件提供可视化的编辑(剪切,拷贝,删除静音,粘贴,从文件粘贴,混合,从文件混合)以及应用包括 Amplify, Delay, Equalizer, Fade, Flanger, Invert 以及其它方面的各种不同的效果。

An iambic foot consists of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable as in 'delay'.


Tom DeLay, the former Republican House majority leader, lambasted it as a kangaroo court...

议院前任多数党领袖,共和党人Tom DeLay将其痛批为"袋鼠法院(指非法的或不按法律程序的非正规法院)…是为了一个所谓的世界政府而捏造出的种种馊点子的非法集合体"。

The method of "Logical Effort Delay Model" allows designers to quickly estimate delay time and optimize logic paths, but the previous variances of logical effort models do not mention how to handle process, voltage, and temperature variations appropriately, which may induce a serious misestimate.

Logical Effort Delay Model是一个可让电路设计者以简便的手算方式快速估计电路延迟并完成初步电路最佳化的方法。

Malign and integrated ask for (Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, NMS) by France psycho person Delay reported first 1960, it is to point to a kind when fight chlorpromazine content be caused by scarce, serious medicaments is undesirable reaction, its are clinical the feature basically is calorific, myotonia, own nerve function is mixed mussily apparent mental symptom.

梗概: 恶性综合征(Neuroleptic malignant syndrome,NMS)由法国精神病学者Delay于1960年首次报道,是指抗精神病药物所致的一种少见的、严重的药物不良反应,其临床特征主要为发热、肌强直、自主神经功能紊乱和明显的精神症状。

You can customize the default pre-fetch/delay-load rules for entity properties by selecting any entity property or association in the designer, and then within the property-grid set the "Delay Loaded" property to true or false.

你可以为实体属性自定义缺省的预/延迟加载规则,在设计器中选择实体的属性或关系,然后再其属性栏设置"Delay Loaded"属性。

Rank-and-file Republicans scowled ("Sore losers," I could hear a few mutter), but Speaker Hastert and Majority Leader DeLay gazed stone-faced from the heights of the dais, placid in the knowledge that they had both the votes and the gavel.

共和党的普通成员眉头紧缩(我听见一些嘀咕"可怜的输家"),但发言人 Hastert 和多数党领袖 DeLay 从讲台上紧盯着石头地面。他们平静因为他们都深知自己拥既有票又有大棒。

And the memory operating frequency, as well as there are three options related to: CAS Latency, RAS to CAS Delay and RAS Precharge Time.

与内存的工作频率以及相关的有三个选项:CAS Latency、RAS to CAS Delay和RAS Precharge Time。

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Rain Delay
Present Delay

I can't say anything hurtful about anyone.


She was a short fat woman , garbed in a very tight , very gaudy red dress .


Leaf blade orbicular or oblong to ovate-lanceolate, less than 3 × as long as wide, abaxially not pruinose.

叶片圆形或长圆形的到卵状披针形,少于3 *倍于宽,背面不具粉霜。