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与 deceased 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The deceased old man did not leave a will and the distri but ion of his property was a Gordian knot.


But you must make a formal gift of the accursed object to the deceased.


Protein and triglyceride content in adductor muscle increased during gametogenesis, and then deceased in spawning.


This is not only an affirmation of their own, the friends of the deceased.


Kevin's Charity Fair, price 6d, 100 prizes: an infantile epistle, dated, small em monday, reading: capital pee Papli comma capital aitch How are you note of interrogation capital eye I am very well full stop new paragraph signature with flourishes capital em Milly no stop: a cameo brooch, property of Ellen Bloom, deceased: a cameo scarfpin, property of Rudolph Bloom, deceased: 3 typewritten letters, addressee, Henry Flower, c/o.


Before we proceed I want you to realise that am not harming any body or family, you may ask why you are to stand as the deceased next of kin instead of a real relative of the deceased to stand for this claim, the answer to such question is simply that Late Eugen, had no existing relative to claim his balance from the bank, since the dismised of his death in the year 2004,all effort to locate his extended relative and family members through their consulate and foreign affaires ministries where all in vain.


In the event of the death of any one of the Clients, in the case of a joint tenancy the estate of the deceased shall remain so liable in respect of any obligation, debit balance or loss incurred before or existing at the death of the deceased in respect of any account opened on the Clients' behalf and in the case of a tenancy in common, the estate of the deceased and the survivor or survivors shall continue to remain jointly and severally liable for any obligation, debit balance or loss in respect of any such account (including those incurred in the liquidation of the account) until termination of the account.


Included among those memorialized are: all deceased graduates who have won the Medal of Honor, all those killed in World War II and in the Korean Conflict, almost all graduates who were killed in previous wars, as well as all deceased former Superintendents and permanent Professors of the military Academy.


Based on the field investigation in Aug 2001 and Aug 2002, digital China Vegetation Map in 2001 and Qinghai-Xizang Plateau Vegetation Regionalization Map in 1996, vegetation characteristic along two sides of Qinghai-Xizang highway and railway is studied in this article Meanwhile, the impacts of Qinghai-Xizang highway and railway constructions on the ecosystems are analyzed using ARCVIEW、ARC/INFO and PATCH ANALYSIS It was found that:(1) Qinghai-Xizang highway and railway span 9 altitudes,12 longitudes and 6 natural regions (East Qinghai and Qilian mountain steppe region, Chaidamu mountain desert region, South Qinghai alpine meadow steppe region, Qiangtang alpine steppe region, Guoluonaqu alpine scrub meadow region and South Xizang mountain shrub steppe region);(2) the constructions of Qinghai-Xizang highway and railway destroyed natural vegetation and landscape, especially in 50m-wide buffer regions along both sides of the roads, it was estimated that the Primary Productivity deceased by about 30504.62t/a and the gross biomass deceased by 432919.25~


The Funeral Dance is one of the typical fetes for Tujia ethnic minority in Changyang, Hubei Prov. In modern Tujia people's life, when an elder passes away, the neighbors will hasten to the deceased person\'s home in groups to memorize the deceased and comfort the relatives and friends in the means of funeral dance.


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A Portrait For The Deceased
So Many Souls Deceased

We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
