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与 damselfly 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The trailing roots of Water Hyacinth can provide a habitat for a variety of aquatic invertebrates including gastropods, chironomid larvae, dragonfly and damselfly larvae, various beetles, and heteropteran bugs.

凤眼蓝 的根可作为多种水生无脊椎动物的生境,包括腹足类动物、摇蚊科幼虫、蜻蜓和蟌的幼虫、多类甲虫及异翅目昆虫。

The aquatic nymph of certain insects, such as the mayfly, damselfly, or dragonfly.


Damselfly - an important stillwater aquatic insect most commonly imitated in the nymphal form; usually hatches in early to mid-summer.


Damselfly is the common name for any of the predaceous insects comprising the suborder Zygoptera of the order Odonata, characterized by an elongated body, large multifaceted eyes that are widely separated, and two pairs of strong transparent wings, which at rest typically are held folded together above the abdomen or held slightly open above the abdomen.

蜻蛉 蜻蛉俗称&豆娘&,学名&Ischnura heterosticta&。&蜻蛉&是一个通用名称,指的是任何带有蜻蜓目均翅亚目特征的肉食昆虫。这种昆虫体型细长,复眼较大且间距较宽,同时长有强壮而透明的翅膀——典型特征为折叠在腹部之上或在腹上微微张开。

The damselfly is a close relative of the dragonfly, but slimmer and daintier than its larger, more powerful cousin.


They are generally shown with insect wings, often those of damselfly or butterflies.


No bigger than a tiny blade of grass, a curious damselfly lands gently by my side as to say "I am here—and see how beautiful I am."

豆娘 如一片小草叶般小的一只好奇的豆娘轻轻地落在我的身边,似乎在说:&我在这儿呢——瞧我多美。&

Angels, putti, dragons and fairies are generally shown with insect wings, often those of damselfly


Angels, putti, dragons and fairies are generally shown with insect wings, often those of damselfly or butterflies.


Caption :Powder blue damselfly.

描述:粉蓝色豆娘(英文名:Powder blue damselfly;学名:Arabicnemis caerulea)。

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