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与 cycling 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The test result shows that the instruments at the same accuracy grade provide different cycling error, so it is necessary to provide maximum cycling error to guarantee all of the measurement errors within the limited range.


Cycling England is a new government-funded body charged with promoting cycling across the country. It is investing ??ê17 million into a group of English 'demonstration towns'- Aylesbury, Brighton, Darlington, Derby, Exeter and Lancaster - to create a cycle-friendly environment, offer safety training and generally encourage residents to take up cycling.


As a consequence, it accelerated the processes of biogeochemical cycling of nutrient in the Yangtze estuarine and tidal flat sediments. Corbicula fluminea mainly inhabited near the surface tidal sediment. It affected the nitrogen cycling in the surface sediments by the physiological activities such as the excretion.


Then, we will further study the influence of the cycling effect on the ONO layer of the SONOS memory device.


The results show that the sample is well dispersed particles with high purity and an average size of about 1 μm. Favorable substances of Ca2 and Sn appear during the cycling of zinc electrode containing CaSn6, Ca2 has continues to react with ZnO to produce calcium zincate, which can highly reduce the dissolvability of anode active materials and greatly improve the cycling performance of zinc electrode. The simulated Ni/Zn battery using CaSn6 and ZnO as the active material of zinc electrode has a high discharge plateau and an excellent cycling ability, and it can retain about 72.6% of initial discharge capacity after 50 charge-discharge cycles.

研究结果表明:通过共沉淀方法合成的CaSn6粒度分布均匀,平均粒径在1 μm左右,并且具有较高的纯度;添加CaSn6的锌负极在循环过程中游离出了Ca2和金属锡等有益物质,并进一步与ZnO反应生成锌酸钙,降低了锌负极活性物质在电解液中的溶解性,从而显著提高了锌电极的循环性能;以CaSn6与ZnO的混合物为负极活性物质的模拟锌镍电池具有较高的放电平台和优良的循环性能,经过50次循环后,电池放电容量保持为起始容量的72.6%。

Results showed that rapid cycling patients were more likely to be female, a fact more evident in bipolar I than bipolar II patients. Rapid cycling patients also showed a younger age of onset and a higher occurrence of depression at study entry. In the year prior to the study, the rapid cycling group showed poorer global functioning and a significantly greater rate of depressive and hypomanic/manic episodes. History of psychosis showed no correlation with rapid cycling but bipolar I patients were more likely to have symptoms of psychosis than bipolar II patients.


Cycling England is a new government-funded body charged with promoting cycling across the country. It is investing ??ê17 million into a group of English 'demonstration towns'- Aylesbury, Brighton, Darlington, Derby, Exeter and Lancaster - to create a cycle-friendly environment, offer safety training and generally encourage residents to take up cycling.


Based on the study of the cycling capacity degradation mechanism of the alloys, it is found that the structure stability of the alloys and their hydrides is good during cycling and has not effect on the cycling capacity degradation of the alloys.


Road racing and mountain biking relate easily to the average rider's view of cycling. Track cycling does not. In track cycling, the riders go nowhere, just around and around an oval track banked at 42 degrees. The track's name - the velodrome - sounds space-age, and the helmets, suits and bikes bearing no resemblance to a common two-wheeler more closely resemble something out of Star Wars.


Outlined in the Beijing Olympic Games, at 13:30 on August 13 Switzerland and France than was Ankan Qiela La Road Cycling Championship. Ankan Qiela La France in the World Championships: 2004 Bardolino, Italy was eighth, 2005 Madrid, Spain, was third, 2006 Salzburg, Austria received first place in 2007 at Stuttgart, Germany was the first ; France 2005 cycling sai Laise Skopje was seventh; Flanders Cycling Grand Prix E3 second place; Belgium Harelbeke 2007 Road Cycling sai second place; Florence - Bicycle sai Pistoia, Italy Paper 2004 Si Tuoya fourth; Ghent - Victoria Buddhist roots bike sai fourth; Road Cycling Events, the Belgian peacekeepers Buddhist roots fourth in 2006 Belgian peacekeepers were sixth Buddhist roots; HEW Classic Bicycle Germany 2005 Hamburg Road Cycling sai fourth in the 2006 German Beer, Luke second Challenge; Milan - San Remo Road Cycling sai second place; San Remo, Italy, the 2008 Road Cycling sai was the first; Monte Siena, Italy 2008 Paschi Eroica Road Cycling sai was the first Swiss national championships, in 2008 Switzerland was the first Messen; Stettlen 2007 Switzerland was the first in 2006 was the first Ruishiboning root 2005 Switzerland was the first Hagendorn; Highway Cycling Merit 2007 Rui Shibu Kruger was second in Paris - Roubaix bicycle sai , 2006 France was the first Roubaix; Roubaix France was second in 2008; 2005 Roubaix France was eighth; Denmark Post bike sai The 2006 final ranking was the first Danish Frederiksberg; ring The 2006 Belgian Flanders Cycling Road Cycling sai Meerbeke was sixth; Etruscan - Adriatic bike sai , 2008 Italy's Benetton and child care - Badelt-care was the first in the Central bike sai Luxembourg, Luxembourg Central Di Jixi 2005, was second; bike sai Central California, the United States in 2008 in Pasadena, California, was fourth ; Athens, Greece in 2004 was the 10th individual time trial; Olympics

瑞士法比安坎切拉拉在世界锦标赛:2004 意大利巴多利诺上获得第八名,2005 西班牙马德里上获得第三名,2006 奥地利萨尔茨堡上获得第一名,2007 德国斯图加特上获得第一名;2005 法国莱塞比耶自行车赛获得第七名;佛兰德E3自行车大奖赛获得第二名;2007 比利时哈勒尔贝克公路自行车赛获得第二名;佛罗伦萨-皮斯托亚自行车赛,2004 意大利皮斯托亚获得第四名;根特-维佛根自行车赛获得第四名;公路自行车赛 2005 比利时维佛根获得第四名;2006 比利时维佛根获得第六名;HEW自行车经典赛 2005 德国汉堡公路自行车赛第四名;2006 德国比尔,路克挑战赛第二名;米兰-圣雷莫公路自行车赛获得第二名;2008 意大利圣雷莫公路自行车赛获得第一名;2008 意大利锡耶纳 Monte Paschi Eroica 公路自行车赛获得第一名;瑞士全国锦标赛,在2008 瑞士Messen 获得第一名;2007 瑞士Stettlen 获得第一名;2006 瑞士伯宁根获得第一名;2005 瑞士Hagendorn获得第一名;公路自行车赛 2007 瑞士布鲁格获得第二名;巴黎-鲁贝自行车赛,2006 法国鲁贝获得第一名;2008 法国鲁贝获得第二名;2005 法国鲁贝获得第八名;丹麦邮政自行车赛决赛排名赛 2006 丹麦腓特烈斯贝获得第一名;环佛兰德自行车赛 2006 比利时Meerbeke 公路自行车赛获得第六名;伊特鲁里亚-亚得里亚海自行车赛,2008 意大利圣贝内代托-德尔特龙托获得第一名;在环卢森堡自行车赛,2005 环卢森堡迪基希,获得第二名;环加利福尼亚自行车赛,在2008 美国加利福尼亚帕萨迪纳,获得第四名;2004 希腊雅典个人计时赛获得第十名;奥运会 2008 北京奥运会男子公路个人赛季军。

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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
