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与 cycle 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Integrated gasification combined cycle is one of the trends of clean coal power generation technology. However, that alkali metal vapors contained in the syngas which are generated from coal gasifier easily deposit on the surfaces of convectional syngas cooler will not only lead to slagging, but also will cause high-temperature corrosion of gas turbine blades.

整体煤气化联合循环(integrated gasification combined cycle,IGCC)发电技术是洁净煤发电新技术的发展方向之一,但煤气化释放出的碱金属蒸气易在对流废锅中形成污垢,而且会引起燃气轮机叶片的高温腐蚀。

Identify managerial levers that reduce lot size and cycle inventory in a supply chain without increasing cost.

确定管理手段,减少了很多 lot size and cycle inventory 在供应链不增加成本的情况下。

However, the order cost and, in some instances, the material cost decrease with an increase in lot size and cycle inventory.

然而,在某些情况下,订单成本,材料成本的减少而 lot size and cycle inventory 在增加。

When I refer to breath I am referring to one complete inhale and exhale cycle.


The present system consists of two cycles, organic Rankine cycle for recovering the waste heat in high-temperature exhaust and lubricant and Kalina cycle for recovering the waste heat in low-temperature cooling water.

此系统由用来回收温度较高的发动机排气余热及润滑油余热的有机Rankine循环(Organic Rankine Cycle, ORC)和用来回收温度较低的发动机冷却水余热的Kalina循环耦合而成。

According to the opening or closing spiracle , a typical discontinuous gas exchange cycle has three distinct phases: the closed period with little or no external gas exchange, the flutter period during which oxygen enters tracheae and little CO (2) escapes and the open period during which lots of CO (2) escape.

根据气门开闭,一个典型的不连续气体交换循环(discontinuousgas exchange cycle, DGC)可以明显分为3个阶段:关闭阶段,极少或没有气体交换;颤动阶段,气门迅速微开和关闭, O2进入气管,少量CO2释放;最后是开放阶段,大量的CO2释放。

Arrie: Well first of all there are some cycle lanes you can use.

her:你可以使用自行车道 cycle lanes。所谓自行车道就是特别为自行车行使划分出的道路区域。

The life cycle assessment method was used to investigate the environmental impacts of metallic copper production with hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical processes.

运用生命周期评价(life cycle assessment,LCA)方法,对用火法、湿法两种方法生产金属铜过程的环境协调性进行了研究,得到了铜生产过程中各工序的环境负荷数据。

Primary culture of bovine corneal endothelial cells and whole rabbit corneas were used as the experimental materials. We first treated the cultured bovine corneal endothelial cells with PTPs inhibitor, sodium orthovanadate, with a variety of concentrations (25,50,100μM) for various durations (8,24 hrs). The effects of PTP inhibition on cellular distribution of cell-cell junctional proteins, such as N-cadherin, alpha-catenin and p120, were evaluated by immunohistochemical staining with fluorescein microscopy and confocal microscopy. Immunohistochemical staining with Ki67 Ab, a marker of cell proliferation, was also used to detect cells entering cell cycle.

实验材料为初代培养之牛角膜内皮细胞和全厚度之兔子眼角膜,使用sodium orthovanadate作为酪胺酸磷酸脢的抑制剂,接著以不同SOV浓度(25, 50, 100μM)及不同时间(8, 24 hrs)来处理初代培养之细胞与新鲜的兔子眼角膜,之后进行萤光染色并使用萤光显微镜及共轭焦显微镜进行影像撷取,以观察位於细胞与细胞间的蛋白质,例如:N-cadherin, alpha-catenin 和p120的改变,另外也使用Ki67抗体来侦测是否有进入cell cycle的细胞。

Life Cycle Assessment is a tool which quantitatively analyzes and qualitatively valuates the environmental impact of a product, process or activity throughout its entire life cycle.

生命周期评价(Life Cycle Assessment, LCA)是一种对产品、生产工艺以及活动的整个生命周期对环境的影响进行定量分析与定性评价的工具。

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Cycle Of Nightmares (Let It Go)
The Cycle
Break The Cycle
The Big Little City Killing Cycle
The Upwards War and Down Turned Cycle
Sick Cycle Carousel
Endless Cycle
Cycle Down
Burn Cycle

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
