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Letting windstorm company such confounded is an Internet that happened on May 19 breaks net event.


But Israel shall be saved in the LORD with an everlasting salvation: ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end.

45:17 惟有以色列必蒙耶和华的拯救,得永远的救恩。你们必不蒙羞,也不抱愧,直到永世无尽。

El ." The fact that "alef" and "'ayin are confounded in this interpretation does not constitute an objection; for assonance and not etymology is the decisive factor in the Biblical name-legends, and of this class are both the first and the second chapter.

事实上,&阿勒夫&和&' ayin &的困惑,在这种解释并不构成反对;的谐音,而不是词源是决定性因素圣经名字的传说,以及本级都是第一次和第二章。

Although negative conspecific density dependence among neighbours is widely studied, the general prevalence of the effects is still poorly understood due to a lack of studies from zonal forests other than the tropics. In addition, the detection of density dependence may be confounded by the influence of habitat heterogeneity.


Some people are fluky, overshoot smoothly, but also meet for certain somebody falls into water between the river, became confounded soaked through.


Your mother shall be sore confounded; she that bare you shall be ashamed: behold, the hindermost of the nations shall be a wilderness, a dry land, and a desert.

50:12 你们的母巴比伦就极其抱愧,生你们的必然蒙羞。她要列在诸国之末,成为旷野,旱地,沙漠。

Your mother shall be sore confounded; she that bare you shall be ashamed: behold, the hindermost of the nations shall be a wilderness, a dry land, and a desert.

012 你们的母巴比伦就极其抱愧,生你们的必然蒙羞。他要列在诸国之末,成为旷野、旱地、沙漠。

Your mother shall be sore confounded; she that bare you shall be ashamed: behold, the hindermost of the natio shall be a wilderne, a dry land, and a desert.

50:12 你们的母巴比伦就极其抱愧,生你们的必然蒙羞。她要列在诸国之末,成为旷野,旱地,沙漠。

They descended without precaution into the valley of Honain: the heights had been occupied by the archers and slingers of the confederates; their numbers were oppressed, their discipline was confounded, their courage was appalled, and the Koreish smiled at their impending destruction.

&他们在毫无准备之下进入霍纳因山谷,两边的高地被塔耶夫联军的弓箭手和投石手占领,在兵力劣势、军纪混乱和士气涣散的状况下,古莱西人看到穆斯林即将遭到歼灭的命运,不禁喜笑颜开。&(第5卷, P166)在这个长句中,是谁&兵力劣势、军纪混乱和士气涣散&?

Perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment confounded , confused , at sea , baffled , befuddled , bemused , bewildered , lost , mazed , mixed-up


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Enemies Are Confounded

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
