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computer programmer相关的网络例句

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与 computer programmer 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A computer programmer and an engineer were sitting next to each other on a transcontinental flight.


"The computer programmer was also unimpressed by the game:""I can buy software to teach me this."


The computer programmer was also unimpressed by the game:"I can buy software to teach me this."


New York-born and Edinburgh-based vocalist Talitha MacKenzie has made her greatest impact since adopting the musical traditions of the Scot Gaels. Mouth Music, her short-lived collaboration with computer programmer Martin Swan, yielded a chart-topping album in 1988. Her solo album, Sòlas, reached the top three on the Euro World charts in 1994 and was followed by the equally-successful album, Spiorad, two years later. According to the Manchester Guardian, MacKenzie is "one of the most exciting vocalists on the folk/world stage."

塔莉莎·麦肯芝是谁,可能有些人不太熟悉;提到单曲&Ajde Jano&大家多半耳熟能详,常出现在众多苏格兰、凯尔特合辑里(如在《凯尔特精灵系列》Celtic Spirits Vol.5 CD2便能听到),&Ajde Jano&并入选《世界和平音乐奖》最佳美声优选,是塔莉莎的重要代表作之一,你在全球不同国域中都可以找到翻唱的版本,只是没有人可以模仿塔莉莎的灵活转音。

When looking at the possible Computer Programmer Salary you will want to research the codes you will need, the programs you are required to know, what custom work you may be required to do during and after classes.


When Kim moved to Boston in 1986 and joined a new band, The Pixies, Kelley moved to Los Angeles, where she was a computer programmer, and rumored to also being a caterer.

当金提出的到了波士顿,在1986年加入了新的乐队, pixies ,凯利搬到洛杉矶,在那里她是一个电脑程序员,和传闻也正在一饮食。

However, he needs to be more serious and organised if he wants to become a computer programmer.


Kev is the leading vocal of a local band. He got the chance to be transferred from Portugal to Macao. Kev's life changed. He quitted smoking and works in one of the local rehabilitation centre. Jase is the bassist, and is a computer programmer.

Kev 是一支本地乐队的主音,他在葡国时曾经吸毒,其后进入戒毒中心工作,辗转之间被派来澳门工作,现正戒菸; Jase 是乐队的低音结他手,不抽烟,是一位电脑程式员,家里养著两只猫;他们都深受 Kurt Cobain 影响。

Even for a mathematician or computer programmer, this evolved formula is a tar baby in the briar patch.


Even for a mathematician or computer programmer, this evolved formula is a tar baby in the briar patch.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
