英语人>网络例句>commodities 相关的网络例句

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与 commodities 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abstract-Online group negotiation mode based on credit brings in credit mechanism, provides an safe and convenient trading platform to both vendor and purchaser, and it is an tri-win mode: Consumers can get goods and better service at a favorable price. Network agency can run without stock, be free of the risk of sale and physical distribution, return and exchange of commodities are taken in charge by suppliers, as a result, network agencies reduce the operation risk and cost, and make agency expense. Suppliers can sell a great deal of commodities, reduce operation cost and inventory risk, and get enough profit and many information of consumers with this mode in such a competitive meager profit times.


However, Anne Frick, senior oilseeds analyst at Bache Commodities, says soyabean prices could be "vulnerable to a setback" as a small increase in supply could reverse the market's psychology.

但Bache Commodities的高级油籽分析师安妮。弗里克表示,大豆价格可能"容易出现回调",因为供应量的小幅上升就可能逆转市场心理。

Packaging plays also an important part of the export commodity. It is not only a protection or barrier layer, but also a key basis of commodities, therefore, packaging for export commodities is a serious regard in international trade.


In the planning and siting of land supply to ensure the completion of "two 10 million" task is to build 10 million square metres of housing and ancillary products, 10 million square metres of housing at ordinary commodities, while clearly "set land prices, control prices, competitive programme" project public tender, to work, to speed up construction, commercial housing, and supporting efforts to make low-cost housing for ordinary commodities reached 65% of total supply than in 2004 increased nearly 10 percentage points.


So the implementation of the plan, the company completed four goals, quality assurance : surveillance commodities, with companies and state laws and regulations on food commodities weighing, ensure compliance with the national minimum deviation strict control of goods in the transfer of the company to ensure that no damage to five commodities, risk management : the accident prone pairs of equipment, operational problems in a timely and found to be improved six, loss management : assessment procedures for all departments to look for the company to reduce expenses of opportunity for me to honesty, integrity, self-discipline and skills, during the Wal-Mart agreement by the leadership of the department authorized to work reasonable arrangement to complete its work on time, other staff and colleagues live tacit understanding, mutual assistance and concern.

姓名:xxx 学历:本科特长:熟练使用Office办公软件,各种办公设备所在单位:工作年限:2003年9月至今职位:职能:1、协调本部门工作,合理安排员工岗位工作 2、负责新员工的入职培训工作 3、拟定次月工作计划,以便有计划的实施、完成公司目标 4、质量保证:抽查检验商品,是否符合公司及国家法律法规对食品商品进行称重,保证符合国家最小偏差严格控制商品的在公司内的交接,确保商品无损坏 5、风险管理:对易造成事故的设备问题、操作问题及时的发现并予以改进 6、损耗管理:评估各部门程序,寻找减少公司费用开支的机会点本人诚实正直,自我约束能力强,在沃尔玛工作期间一致受到部门领导的认可,能够将工作安排合理,准时完成工作目标,与其他员工同事相处默契,互相帮助,互相关心。

Cultural property of commodities is an attribute that every culture endowment relating to commodities production coagulates in commodities.


Reducing the price of fresh or live commodities, seasonal commodities, expiring commodities or overstocks


Managers should declare at the customs with corresponding certificate issued by license-issuing organs in accordance with Article 28 of these specifications when they export the commodities that are not listed in the Catalogue of Temporary Managed Commodities for Textiles Exported to European Union and Catalogue of Temporary Managed Commodities for Textiles Exported to the USA.

第四条 许可证局负责监督、检查各发证机构的纺织品临时出口许可证件审核签发情况;负责对纺织品临时出口许可证件签发数据及其在国内外海关的清关数据的监控及核查,协调和处理纺织品临时出口许可证件签发业务过程中的有关问题;根据需要验证纺织品临时出口许可证件的真伪;调查并根据受权处罚违规发证行为;通过海关联网核查热线,为经营者提供通关服务。

Managers should declare at the customs with corresponding certificate issued by license-issuing organs in accordance with Article 28 of these specifications when they export the commodities that are not listed in the Catalogue of Temporary Managed Commodities for Textiles Exported to European Union and Catalogue of Temporary Managed Commodities for Textiles Exported to the USA.


Mixing adulterations into their commodities, or passing fake commodities off as genuine ones,or passing defective commodities off as good ones, or passing substandard commodities off as standard ones


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
