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与 come after 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After discussion We have come to decision that we shall purchase some briefcases of the same style that Paul ordered ten years ago in Beijing.The briefcases will be presented to our copartners and government officials as our company's gifts.


After looking, if you can apply in practice, realizing the truth that come out just is the costliest.


After lunch, downstair will become very hot. I will go back o my room to do my homework. Sometimes, a squirrel outside the window will distract me, and if I forget to close the door, the other pet in the house, a cat name Juicy will come into my room and sleep on my lap.


Right after his father's funeral, he started to play ducks and drakes with the money he had come into.


But it was not to be; either their Fate or mine, or both, forbid it; for till the last Year of my being on this Island, I never knew whether any were saved out of that Ship or no; and had only the Affliction some Days after, to see the Corps of a drownded Boy come on Shore, at the End of the Island which was next the Shipwreck: He had on no Cloaths, but a Seaman's Wastcoat, a pair of open knee'd Linnen Drawers, and a blew Linnen Shirt; but nothing to direct me so much as to guess what Nation he was of: He had nothing in his Pocket, but two Pieces of Eight, and a Tobacco Pipe; the last was to me of ten times more value than the first.


But it was not to be; either their Fate or mine, or both, forbid it; for till the last Year of my being on this Island, I never knew whether any were saved out of that Ship or no; and had only the Affliction some Days after, to see the Corps of a drownded Boy come on Shore, at the End of the Island which was next the Shipwreck: He had on no Cloaths, but a Seaman's Wastcoat, a pair of open knee'd Linnen Drawers, and a blew Linnen Shirt; but nothing to direct me so much as to guess what Nation he was of: He had nothing in his Pocket, but two Pieces of Eight, and a Tobacco Pipe; the last was to me of ten times more value than the first.


Those 7,000 tons of free-falling bombs caused havoc, concussions, misery, and considerable destruction, but after the bombs stopped falling most German soldiers were able to come up out of their dugouts and man their weapons .


After so many years in development hell, it's refreshing to see one of gaming's great enigmas finally come out of hiding.


To be, or not to be; that is the bare bodkin That makes calamity of so long life; For who would fardels bear, till Birnam Wood do come to Dunsinane, But that the fear of something after death Murders the innocent sleep, Great nature's second course, And makes us rather sling the arrows of outrageous fortune Than fly to others that we know not of.


After the experiment and analysis, we have come to fish the river pollution beam material is the most serious of phosphorus.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
