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与 colonialism 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper gives a brief introduction to anthropological studies of Japanese scholars in the period (1895-1945)of Taiwan as a colony of Japan, reviews the foundation and change of main academicals institutions, scholars and its fieldwork , and main scholarship achievement and it is pointed out that Japanese scholars' anthropological knowledge acquired in Taiwan belongs to colonialism.


Pursues an independent foreign policy of non-aligned, anti-imperialism, colonialism, against racism, in support of national liberation movements.


In order to better understand competition, this research tried to focus on the contexts and processes of students' academic competition and to look at the power relations implied from the bifocal perspective of Darwinism and Post-colonialism.


Since Hitler had been funding an Arabic-language newspaper that depicted the Führer as the great liberator, intent on freeing downtrodden peoples from the twin evils of colonialism and communism, Lafont had the idea of reinforcing the German and collaborationist ranks by forming a squadron of fighters drawn from the immigrant population.


Neo-colonialism is a performance of colonialism in the new historical period.


Meanwhile, Foreign Literature is a part of Chinese literature study rather than a part of colonialism of post-colonialism literature, which undeniably embodies the connotation and value of cosmopolitism.


The vaudou practice of doubling suggests the techniques of simulation, mimesis and mimicry as a response to oppression, pain and power, explored in the context of French colonialism in Algeria by Frantz Fanon and in the context of English colonialism by Homi Bhabha.

实践中的 vaudou一倍表明仿真技术,模仿和模仿作为回应压迫,疼痛和力量,探索在法国殖民主义在阿尔及利亚的弗朗兹法农和在英国殖民主义的霍米巴巴。

"" Post-theoretical age "of literary and cultural studies" research ideas from cultural theory to examine the dimensions of globalization in the "post-theoretical age" within the various cultural influence and role, the author believes that post-colonialism through the once - After the decline of the re-emergence: Said, Spivak and Bhabha The three representatives have issued a new book, making the academic study of post-colonialism and cultural identity, ethnicity, diaspora, and the phenomenon of globalization integrated, stuffed in some third world countries has played a nationalist sentiment.


The peculiar experience of Japanese colonialism on the development of Taiwanese science, technology and medicine also offers an interesting case for those exploring the relationship between colonialism and science.


These works raised issues about colonialism and post-colonialism, but also came at a time when a parliamentary commission was investigating the links between the Belgian government and royal family's policies and the death of Lumumba


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British Colonialism And The BBC

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
