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与 cold 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cold fireworks, cold light fireworks, cold fireworks main products are: the columnar | silver fountain, the stage (that is, short hair spray and that the high fountain), conical fountain, rotating type of space, the surface rotation category, indoor |, waterfalls, Subtitles like fireworks, flowers like diamonds, meteor track, blasting, cake fireworks, sparklers, protocol flowers, auspicious candles, roses, chimney, the smoke ball, rotating music birthday music.


The increased unsaturation of membrane lipids is only the response to low temperature and has no directly relation to cold hardiness. Also, cold-acclimation-specific protein synthesis and altered gene expression have been observed during cold acclimation of plants.


In addition, increasing the current cold weather, in cold weather season to pay special attention to the patient warm because the cold environment will vasoconstriction, blood pressure increased even faster, induced increase in the probability of cardiovascular disease.


Climate changes in spring and autumn when the stomach of patients with asthenic cold to keep warm and avoid the cold; the spleen Diarrhea can be warm in the umbilical cord in the plaster paste, should also eat raw fruits, etc., if they feel the stomach epigastric Department of cold, it may take ginger tea.


During ~2.68-2.45 Ma, the vegetation was dominated by arbores, mainly Pinus, Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia, indicating a cold warm climate in the mountain region. During ~2.45-2.11 Ma, herbs increased rapidly and the climate became dry-cold, indicating the characteristic of the bushveld climate. During 2.11-1.49 Ma, the quantity and species of the herbs reached the culmination and the bush increased accordingly, showing that the climate became more and more arid. During 1.49-1.36 Ma, herbs declined slightly but pteridophytes increased relatively greatly, revealing a dry-cold grassland climate.

约在2.68~2.45Ma期间,植被以乔木为主,主要为松、藜、蒿,属山地寒温气候;约在 2.45~2.11Ma期间,草本植物迅速上升,气候变得干旱寒冷,显示出灌木草原气候特征;在2.11~1.49Ma期间,草本植物数量和种类达到之最,灌木相对增加,也显示气候进一步趋于干旱;在1.49~1.36Ma期间,草本植物有小幅下降,但蕨类植物增加幅度较大,显示了干冷草原气候特征。

And proved that there is CBF gene expression-regulated pathway and transcriptional cascade leading to the expression of cold-responsive genes under cold stress in Capsella bursa-pastoris, which Cbice53 activate the expression of Cbcbf and Cbcbf activate transcription of Cbcor15b and the CbLos2 had a indirect and important regulatory function in controlling cold-responsive genes expression under low temperature like the same pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana.


All of these attested that there is CBF gene expression-regulated pathway and transcriptional cascade leading to the expression of cold-responsive genes under cold stress in Capsella bursa-pastoris, which ICE1 activate the expression of CBF by binding its promotor and CBF bind the DRE/CRT element in the promoter of the cold-regulated genes and activate transcription of them.


I now 33 weeks pregnant, last week at home, blowing cold air-conditioning are not careful, the morning to go to the hospital to check a fever of 38.2 degrees, quickly hospitalized吊针fight, fight penicillin, the results of the evening 39.6 degrees was spread, and later forced doctors to use diclofenac suppository半粒retreat of burning, the second day of the daytime Fortunately, the evening did not expect further spread Morning 38.2 degrees, my mom kept giving me the physical cooling with cold water, toss a night, the next morning and finally were able to bring down a fever, and a total of four days of fighting吊针, two days before the doctor said that with the effect of penicillin was not so good, the third day also changed Cephalosporium, and now finally good to be almost cold, and Doctors have been listening to fetal heart rate is still true that only the highest in the first day of fever when fetal heart rate a bit faster, I do not know the torment of the baby will not affect the outcome, there have had similar experiences to comfort my mother comforted me??


Babies from 6 months on a cold, two days to start eating like a drug, and the second drug to do to eat for a week, the 3rd on the half-eaten cold cough on drugs, the 4th doctor started me playing吊针baby bottles from 2 to 9 times hanging bottle; final Cephalosporium吊针not used, azithromycin, penicillin;(disease good will Also a week before a cold cough) are now 13 months, or so over a week on the incidence, which I also go around the middle to open Chinese medicine to the baby food; sneezing, runny nose, cough, dyspnea, tonsil inflammation of the throat red swelling, sleep a sweat, they do not release,尿黄; I now do not dare to go the hospital, and also to the baby do not know what medicine he would eat better.


Therapeutic effect,observation index and laboratory index were compositively evaluated.Results The total effective rates for beriberoid disease,rheumatoid,ankylosing spondylitic dialectical,pains on neck-shoulder-waist-leg,retention of cold-damp in the collaterals,cold-heat complicated syndrome,obstruction of collaterals cold hygrosis in the study group were 98.89%,94.00%,96.15%,94.05%,98.22%,94.84%,95.52%,while the control group were

结果 治疗组对风湿、类风湿、强直性脊柱炎、颈肩腰腿痛、寒湿阻络证、寒热错杂证、痰瘀阻络证总有效率分别为98.89%,94.00%,96.15%,94.05%,98.22%,94.84%,95.52%;对照组分别为46.67%,20.00%,13.33%,45.00%,41.46%,10.53%,47.62%,显示中药汽疗仪辨证施药雾化透皮法对四病三证的总有效率均超过90%,对照组总有效率均未能达到50%,两组病证分别相比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01或P<0.001);治疗组在改善临床症状、体征和实验室指标等方面的疗效肯定(P<0.05或P<0.01),研究过程中未发现严重的不良反应。

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Cold, Cold Heart
Cold, Cold World
Cold, Cold Heart
Cold Toes On The Cold Floor
Cold, Cold, Cold
Cold, Cold Heart
Cold Cold Heart
Cold, Cold Heart
Cold, Cold Morning Light
Cold Cold Cold

I can't say anything hurtful about anyone.


She was a short fat woman , garbed in a very tight , very gaudy red dress .


Leaf blade orbicular or oblong to ovate-lanceolate, less than 3 × as long as wide, abaxially not pruinose.

叶片圆形或长圆形的到卵状披针形,少于3 *倍于宽,背面不具粉霜。