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与 codas 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The nasalization distinguishes itself in four aspects, including the nasal spreading can be bi-directional, the nasal spreading exhibits different situations between open and close syllables, vowels preceding nasal codas can not be nasalized, and postvocalic glottal stops and glides must agree with nasal onsets. The literature background is based on seven proposals, including Lin's (1992) proposal, Li's (1992) right-spreading theory, Wang's (1995) bi-directional spreading theory, Ang's (1996) downward-spreading theory, Chung's (1996) domain percolation, Ang's (2001) and Chou's (2002) OT analysis.


And IVB [?212], and as a result of these two categories first losing their glottal stop codas, the rhymes became open rhymes, so their contours also at that time lost their short character.


Let us hope that some of the grimmer aspects of this decade are codas to the last century.


The study shows that the sound system of Dunhuang Bianwen has already been different from the sound system of Qieyun, such as: labiodentals divided from bilabials, complete voice initials disappeared, rhyme categories simplified, rusheng codas reduced, zhuoshangbianqu completed.


Codas is considered a good man.


In chapter 4, yields of Chinese underground nuclear explosions are estimated by using amplitudes of Lg waves or Lg codas recorded by CDSN stations as well as stability of m〓 and mb is analyzed.


As a vowel is usually the nucleus of a syllable and it may be preceded and/or followed by a consonant or consonants, the sequence of phonemes vary mostly with onsets and codas.


The big question for Russia, Chechnya and the world is whether the symbiotic reigns of the Chechen warlord and the Russian spook are necessary codas to tumultuous times, or the incubators of yet more instability and pain.


As for rhymes, the ancient tone IV characters have all lost their stop codas and become empty-coda or vowel-final rhymes.


Again, harmony vocals – Beatle-esque ones, in this instance – help set the mood, and an ascending chord progression led by Morse spreads its arms heavenward, eventually settling into a circular pattern that becomes one of the more moving codas not just in Purple history, but, yep, in the history of heavy rock itself.

再次,和谐的人声-披头四成员非常霸道,在这一点上-协助成立的情绪,以及一个升序弦级数率领摩士利差其武器出口天地,最终沉淀到一个循环模式成为一个较为动c o das不仅在紫色历史,而且, yep ,在历史上的重摇滚本身。


Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
