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与 citizens 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of course, it's not the mercy of the Philippine government, it's the victory of the struggles by the Filipino orgtanizers in or out of the country for so many years. On July 22, 2002, the Congress of the Philippines approved the Overseas Absentee Voting Act, which make it possible for one-tenth of the total Philippine citizens working abroad to vote for their president, vice president and congress members from the coming 2004 general election.

当然,这绝对不是菲律宾政府的什麼恩惠,而是菲律宾无数的海内外组织工作者和群众长久以来努力的结果。2003年七月二十二日,菲律宾国会正式通过了「海外缺席投票法案」,这使得人数占菲律宾总人口十分之一的菲律宾海外劳工(overseas Filipino worker, OFW)将可以从明年将举行的大选开始以自己的选票选举菲律宾的总统、副总统和国会议员。

In many countries citizens who are unable to make it to the polling station are granted absentee ballots.


I'm very, very firmly against any deviation from the absolute and solemn undertaking to all citizens that they can communicate in and expect to comprehend the replies that they get in exchanges with the European institutions.


The absolute majority is locally identified with their place of residence, are a "real citizens" of the municipality and do not want to move away.


In a country with 60m malnourished children, 40% of the world's total, and an abysmal record in providing its citizens with the basic education and medical care that is supposed to be theirsby right, there is much to be done.

在一个国家的6000万营养不良的儿童,40 %的世界总,和一个糟糕的记录,提供其公民的基础教育和医疗保健这应该是他们的权利,还有许多工作要做。

The author, by reviewing the development and eradication of corporal punishment, reckons that humanity itself is a developing concept and shall be interpreted on basis of utilitarianism and its dead line is acceptance of citizens, and inhumanity shall not be used as an excuse to abolish to abolish the death penalty.


Only 20% of Jewish Israeli citizens define themselves as secular, according to a new study.

只有20 %的犹太人的以色列公民的界定自己的世俗,根据一项新的研究。

The district court s have original jurisdiction in civil cases arising under federal law, criminal cases under federal law, admiralty and maritime cases, and cases between citizens of different states (called "diversity jurisdiction").


The district courts have original jurisdiction in civil cases arising under federal law, criminal cases under federal law, admiralty and maritime cases, and cases between citizens of different states (called "diversity jurisdiction").


The district courts have original jurisdiction in civil case s arising under federal law, criminal case s under federal law, admiralty and maritime case s, and case s between citizens of different states (called "diversity jurisdiction").


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The Citizens
Citizens Of The Kingdom
Citizens Of Tomorrow

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
