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与 chest 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Is it pay attention to non-getting milky white chyle chest,chest of liquid diagnose,diagnose and grasp operation,chyle of chest not to mean and solicit in early days to want,sewthe skill of pitching to wound patient's competent chest pipe of chyle chest as soon as possible,add and make the regular


On wednesday we diddn't need to wear our uniform ,because we had to give money to the Community Chest.

杂谈我在星期三的时候我们可以不穿校服!!因为今天我们是要给钱那个 Community Chest 先可以不穿校服。

Certainly is the balanced diet, but also has is lets the nutrition concentrate effectively fast supplemented chest oh Shu Youge the best quality goods traditional Chinese medicine abundant chest nutrition powder through solid this cultivates the Yuan to the female, restores vital energy the profit kidney, causes the body to enter to the best condition, dredges the mammary gland tube gradually, the enhancement chest to the fat absorbancy, stimulated the mammary gland to manage two growth, the chest has absorbed the enough nutrition, achieved solid, full, the strong effect easily, moreover did not bounce, got rid of the breast to be flat thoroughly, sagging, loose, premenstrual pain hard and so on phenomena.


The company specialized productionenrichment plant, provides the technical process,the dressing experiment,the installment instructswww.lzkysb.cn gently yu0797-5745599 to stir the equipment, the stirring chest, the highly effective stirring chest, the leaching vat, the promotion stirring chest, the mineral product stirring chest, the mineral product promotion stirring chest, the mixer, the mineral product mixer, the highly effective mixer, promotes the mixer, stirs the tube, stirs the barrel, the mineral product agitation barrel, the promotion agitation barrel, the stirring chest which the company produces, the promotion type agitation barrel, the highly effective stirring chest, the bilobed wheel stirring chest, the leaching vat mainly uses in the density not being bigger than 30%the proportion is not bigger than 3.5 pulpthe flotation reagents for ore-dressing carries on the agitation, this product divides XBthe XBT promotion type agitation barrel, the XBT promotion type agitation barrel in carries on to the pulpAgitation at the same time may promote the pulp liquid level to certain altitude, for this reason the promotion type agitation barrel to does not have the dropping variance dressing location to be extremely advantageous mainly by the trough body, the support, the electrical machinery, the impellerthe drive shaftso on is composed.

公司专业生产选矿设备,提供工艺流程,选矿实验,安装指导www.lzkysb.cn温良禹0797-5745599搅拌设备,搅拌槽,高效搅拌槽,浸出槽,提升搅拌槽,矿用搅拌槽,矿用提升搅拌槽,搅拌机,矿用搅拌机,高效搅拌机,提升搅拌机,搅拌筒,搅拌桶,矿用搅拌桶,提升搅拌桶,公司生产的搅拌槽,提升式搅拌桶,高效搅拌槽,双叶轮搅拌槽,浸出槽主要用于浓度不大于30%和比重不大于3.5的矿浆与浮选药剂进行搅拌,该产品分XB和XBT提升式搅拌桶, XBT提升式搅拌桶在对矿浆进行搅拌的同时可将矿浆液面提升到一定的高度,为此提升式搅拌桶对没有落差的选矿场地极为有利主要由槽体,支架,电机,叶轮及传动轴等组成。

The company specialized productionenrichment plant, provides the technical process,the dressing experiment,the installment instructswww.lzkysb.cn gently yu0797-5745599 to stir the equipment, the stirring chest, the highly effective stirring chest, the leaching vat, the promotion stirring chest, the mineral product stirring chest, the mineral product promotion stirring chest, the mixer, the mineral product mixer, the highly effective mixer, promotes the mixer, stirs the tube, stirs the barrel, the mineral product agitation barrel, the promotion agitation barrel, the stirring chest which the company produces, the promotion type agitation barrel, the highly effective stirring chest, the bilobed wheel stirring chest, the leaching vat mainly uses in the density not being bigger than 30% and the proportion is not bigger than 3.5 pulp and the flotation reagents for ore-dressing carries on the agitation, this product divides XB and the XBT promotion type agitation barrel, the XBT promotion type agitation barrel in carries on to the pulpAgitation at the same time may promote the pulp liquid level to certain altitude, for this reason the promotion type agitation barrel to does not have the dropping variance dressing location to be extremely advantageous mainly by the trough body, the support, the electrical machinery, the impeller and the drive shaft and so on is composed.

公司专业生产选矿设备,提供工艺流程,选矿实验,安装指导 www.lzkysb.cn 温良禹0797-5745599搅拌设备,搅拌槽,高效搅拌槽,浸出槽,提升搅拌槽,矿用搅拌槽,矿用提升搅拌槽,搅拌机,矿用搅拌机,高效搅拌机,提升搅拌机,搅拌筒,搅拌桶,矿用搅拌桶,提升搅拌桶,公司生产的搅拌槽,提升式搅拌桶,高效搅拌槽,双叶轮搅拌槽,浸出槽主要用于浓度不大于30%和比重不大于3.5的矿浆与浮选药剂进行搅拌,该产品分XB和XBT提升式搅拌桶, XBT提升式搅拌桶在对矿浆进行搅拌的同时可将矿浆液面提升到一定的高度,为此提升式搅拌桶对没有落差的选矿场地极为有利主要由槽体,支架,电机,叶轮及传动轴等组成。

Objective to evaluate the clinical value of dr energy subtraction in chest acute trauma.methods collected sample data based on 122 clinic cases of diagnosed rib fracture patients in chest acute trauma,75 male,47 female,age between 12~65 years old,with an average 36 years old,using dr energy subtraction technique to exam and 45 cases were examined by ct in chest.results in all the cases,the diagnostic rate of single rib fracture,multiple rib fracture,rib fracture with hydropneumothorax,rib fracture with pulmonary contusion was 86.7%,91.3%,90.5% and 94.1%,97.1% in multiple rib fracture of energy subtraction image.conclusion dr energy subtraction technique which can show rib fracture and lung complication clearly has important diagnostic value for the patients with chest acute trauma.

收集122例临床诊断肋骨骨折的胸部急性创伤患者,男75例,女47例,年龄12~65岁,平均36岁,进行dr能量减影胸部摄影检查;其中有45例患者同时作ct检查。结果在本组病例中,标准胸片发现肋骨单发骨折、肋骨多发骨折、骨折合并液气胸、骨折合并肺挫伤的检出率分别为86.7%、91.3%、90.5%和94.1%;而能量减影仅在肋骨多发骨折中检出率为97.1%,其余检出率均为100%。结论 dr能量减影技术可清晰显示肋骨骨折和肺部并发损伤,对胸部急性创伤有重要诊断价值。

objective to compare image manifestations values between high resolution computerized tomography and x-ray chest film in idiopathic interstitial pneumonia in the elderly.methods we analysed and compared image manifestations between hrct and x-ray chest film with 12 cases of clinically suspected iip in the elderly.results ct and hrct had more sensitivity and specificity than x-ray chest film.there were more image manifestations in hrct such as grand grass,net,line,nodular,honeycombing,bronchiectasis,honeycombing cyst,peribronchovascular interstitial thickening and irregularity.there were significant difference between them (p.05).these patients who were suspected iip had better control and remission after being treated with hormone and immuno-suppressive drug.conclusion it have more significant virtues in hrct to manifest iip in the elderly than x-ray chest film,and it also may manifest iip curative effect.

目的 比较高分辨断层摄影术、x线胸片检查对老年特发性间质性肺炎的诊断价值。方法对12例临床疑诊为间质性肺炎的老年患者,进行胸部hrct与胸部平片检查,并对照分析。结果胸部ct在诊断方面比常规胸片有较大的优越性,hrct则有更高的敏感性和特异性,hrct表现出磨玻璃影、网状、线条、小结节、蜂窝影,支气管扩张、细支气管扩张、支气管壁和血管壁增厚及不规则等征象,12例临床疑诊为间质性肺炎的患者,经胸部hrct诊断的12例,而胸部平片诊断的仅有2例,二者比较差异有显著性(p.05),hrct疑诊的iip患者,经临床激素及免疫抑制剂治疗,病情均得到控制或缓解。结论 hrct表现老年间质性肺炎的特点明显高于胸部平片,且hrct可以反映间质性肺炎的疗效。

It does feel good to get stuff off your chest.


It does feel good to get stuff off your chest.


In a 2003 study published in the journal Chest, doctors from the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Ariz., tracked the spouses of 54 patients with sleep apnea.

在一项公布在Chest 杂志的研究中,亚利桑那州梅奥诊所的医生对54例睡眠呼吸暂停症患者的配偶进行了追踪。

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Someone's Standing On My Chest
Someone's Standing On My Chest
Chest Fever
'S' On My Chest
Blood / Chest
Memory Chest
Chest Fever
Chest Wide Open
On My Chest
Chest To Chest

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
