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与 checkage 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because optimization design make the task of calculation mechanics change to the active design and optimization from passive analysis and checkage , it is more difficult and more complicated.


Should the account be in question after checkage, please contact Ningbo Housing Provident Fund Administration Center.


Rolling pressure and rolling torque are important technical parameters in rolling course. They play an important role in establishing depression regulation, analysis of load in working procedure, checkage of equipments intensity and so on.


During the process of application checkage, the application approved abilities depends on the cooperation of government, the applicants" danwei and applicants themselves. The abilities is an integration of the"market abilities""positional abilities"and"status abilities", and the most important is the"status abilities.


With the idea of forced type checkage, defined different types for terms in messages, designed the inspection rules of authentication test method, so as to detect type-flaw-attacks on different levels according to application requirements.


To the policy holders, the risks will be controlled from insurance clause , insurance checkage, insurance indemnity , health protection.


The structure and the work procedure of managing computer network instruments information system in Chang'an University have been designed particularly. The plan that the campus network combining with SNMP, WEB technique operates online vary, online trace, online checkage of the instruments is conducted. The correlative ways and available experiences are summarized about recent instruments management and usage in campus network center.


Network Information Center, Chang' an University, Xi' an , 710064Abstract:A structure and a work procedure of managing computer network instruments information system in Chang' an University have been designed particularly.A plan that campus network with SNMP,WEB technique manages online vary,online trace,online checkage of the instruments is conducted. The correlative ways and available experiences are summarized about recent instruments management and usage in campus network center.

摘 要:本文详细设计了"长安大学校园计算机网络仪器设备管理信息系统"的组织架构和工作流程,提出了利用校园网络并结合SNMP、WEB技术实时进行设备在线变更、设备在线追踪、设备在线核对检查及问题管理的设想,总结出当前高校网络中心在仪器设备的管理与使用方面的相关办法与有益经验。

Finance data collection,checkage;assist to do with and check all kinds of claimed payment,application for payment;deal with and staple the accounting document and management of invoice;assist to fax,print,give out all kinks of finance document;deal with business related to the banking;taxation declaration;and other items.



If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
