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与 chamberlain 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Starting alongside Chamberlain on the front line were Lucious Jackson, a 6-9, 250-pound intimidator of a power forward who doubled as backup center for those few moments Chamberlain was on the bench, and Chet "the Jet" Walker, a prototypical small forward who could shoot from the outside or slash his way to the basket and averaged 19.3 points.


Objective: To study the value of Chamberlain procedure in the diagnosis of mediastinal lymph node tumefaction and anterior mediastinal tumor.

目的 :探讨Chamberlain手术在不明原因的纵隔淋巴结肿大和前纵隔占位诊断中的价值。

Chamberlain then spun a long yarn about the "special" bond he shares with Chien-Ming Wang, and Friday, when the starter the 22-year old Nebraskan calls his favorite player pitched, Chamberlain hung on – and memorized — nearly every pitch.

U A! L0 j3 t8 x6 i# Y$|- B 接著张伯伦如绕著毛线般,娓娓道来他和小民的特殊交情,星期五这晚,当这个22岁的内布拉斯加州小子心中最喜爱的选手投球时,他几乎是盯著每一球看,而且都记在脑海里。

Military special forces Ranson Chamberlain Americans hired to lead the team of Wilt Chamberlain, Chamberlains daughter Anica, university professors and several bodyguards Shiau expedition composed of, in the risk of remote Mongolia to find a priceless treasure -- by the metallic wire woven into the above tanka jewelry inlaid with diamonds.


Ron Villone allowed a run on a wild pitch in the seventh, but Chamberlain was spectacular in the eighth, striking out two on the way to retiring the side uneventfully.

P 在小王於第七局被换下场之后,就把比赛交给牛棚来搞定,虽然Ron Villone因为暴投在第七局丢掉一分,但是Chamberlain则在第八局有了华丽的演出,三振掉两人,使对方三上三下结束该局。

After Wang was pulled in the seventh, that left it up to the bullpen to close it out. Ron Villone allowed a run on a wild pitch in the seventh, but Chamberlain was spectacular in the eighth, striking out two on the way to retiring the side uneventfully.

W- s4 f/ f; O0 h; Z1 T王建民加油站在小王於第七局被换下场之后,就把比赛交给牛棚来搞定,虽然Ron Villone因为暴投在第七局丢掉一分,但是Chamberlain则在第八局有了华丽的演出,三振掉两人,使对方三上三下结束该局。

Results Seven cases were basilar impression,nine cases were dearticulation of atlantoepistrophic articulation,and five caces were Chiari abnormity.In the X-ray pictures,it showed the abnormal form of the atlas and axis,it also showed the Chamberlain line, according to which we could diagnose the basilar impression.

结果 21例中,颅底凹陷为7例,寰枢椎脱位9例,Chiari畸形5例。X线平片主要表现为寰椎、枢椎形态构异常,并且能显示Chamberlain线,借此可作出颅底凹陷的诊断。

Chamberlain, serenaded to the chant "Jo-ba" last night, has now worked five innings over three appearances without allowing a run.


With midges all over his face and neck, a suddenly wild Chamberlain allowed the tying run in the eighth inning of a game the Yankees lost in 11, putting them in a 2-0 hole in the best-of-five series.

当时小虫几乎覆满他的脸部与颈部,导致 Chamberlain 突然控球不稳被击出追平分,最后在第 11 局输掉了比赛,使得洋基在 5 战 3 胜的系列战中落入 0 胜 2 败的劣势。

Chamberlain's potential move was not the focus of Tuesday's organizational meeting in Tampa, Fla.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
