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与 carpels 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Apocarpy An ovary made up of unfused carpels, as in the buttercup.


Ovary 2-locular, carpels free at apex; ovules mostly 1 per carpel, less often many, but then most of them sterile, crassinucellar, bitegmic, anatropous, halfway between apotropous and epitropous, pendent from ovary top if solitary, along the carpellary margins if numerous; placentation axile.


Thpetum is the gland cell type. The pistil has two carpels, the ovules belong to straight ovules with bitegmic;77% nucellus stoped development before from the archesporial cell and disappear and 23% nucellus atrophy .so the flower cannot grow seeds.

安祖花的雌蕊是由2 心皮组成,胚珠为直生胚珠,双珠被,77%珠心细胞在胞原细胞形成之前停止发育,并且逐渐解体消失,23%珠心细胞发生萎缩,导致雌蕊败育。

Carpels 3(-5), connate; ovary superior, ovoid or ellipsoid, 3(-5)-loculed, each locule with many ovules on axile placenta. Styles 3(-5), linear.

心皮3(-5),合生;子房上位,卵球形或椭圆形,3 (-5)室的,每子房室具很多胚珠在轴胎座上。

Carpels 2(or 3),± connate or free; ovary subsuperior or semi-inferior, 2(or 3)-loculed with axile placentation or 1-loculed with marginal placentation; ovules many.


Carpels (3-)5(-15), seemingly free but basally connate, each with one ovule.


Ovary 2- or 3(-5)-carpellate; styles distinct or basally united, as many as carpels.

雄蕊5。子房具心皮2或3 (-5);花柱离生的或基部合生,同数心皮。

Carpels united by a filiform style; ovules numerous, biseriate on each placenta.


Floral organ determination is best explained by the ABCDE model postulated by genetic studies of Arabidopsis thaliana. Sepals are determined by A and E class genes; petals are determined by A, B, and E; stamens by B, C, and E; and carpels by C and E class genes. A, B, C, and E class gene lineages are known having duplicated several times during the evolution of angiosperms. One of the noted major duplication events occurred in the origin of the early angiosperms, leading to the formation of subgroups of B/C/D/E class. Another one occurred near the basal eudicots and gave rise to further subgroups in A/B/C/D/E class genes among core eudicots. The phylogenetic position of the family Buxaceae is located right where the second major duplication of ABCDE genes might have occurred, which is supported by multiple gene (nuclear 18S rDNA, chloroplast rbcL and atpB) phylogenetic analyses.

目前经由模式植物阿伯芥的研究,建花部器官决定基因的调控,即花萼由A、E 群基因共同决定,花瓣由A、B、E 群基因,雄蕊由B、C、E 群基因,而心皮由C 和E 群基因决定。A、B、C、E 四群基因在被子植物的演化过程中发生过次的复制事件,其中比较重要的一次发生在早期被子植物演化出之时,形成B/C/D/E 群基因的次系群;另一次复制事件则发生在真双子植物基群附近,形成仅於核心真双子植物的A/B/C/D/E 群基因之次系群。

Ovary superior, globose; carpels 1 to many, free or connate; ovule solitary in each carpel, basal, campylotropous.


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