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There's lots of room for improvement" from the basic discovery, says Camara."


For one thing, there is Captain Camara's conviction that there is work still to be done.

原因之一,Camara 上尉的政治信念,还有很多任务尚待完成。

However, this view was rejected in two later inspection cases, Camara v.

但是, 这个看法被拒绝了在二个最新检查案件, Camara v。

As to precisely why this phenomenon occurs, Camara admits:"That is a mystery."


Camara came to bathe all the way from the Czech Republic to ease her aching joints.

Camara 从遥远的捷克共和国来这里沐浴,以放松她疼痛的关节。

We really didn't think it could be true," says co-author Dr Carlos Camara, referring to the team's initial scepticism."

我们根本没想到这会是真的,"文章作者之一Carlos Camara博士说,他提到科研小组最初的怀疑。"

A member of the military-led group, Army Captain Moussa Camara, announced the coup attempt on state radio Tuesday, saying soldiers had dissolved the government and suspended the constitution.

军事领导团体的一个成员,陆军上尉Moussa Camara,于周二在国家电台上宣布了政变,他称士兵们已经解散了政府并废除了宪法。

Known as the Mouvement Dadis Dois Rester–Dadis Must Stay–it is said to be composed of "young people" anxious to see Captain Camara complete his job.

上述谋略可以解释八月间出现了一项支持国家民主暨发展委员会运动的出现,这项名为「达迪斯必须留任」的运动据说由「年轻人」组成,他们急于想要看见 Camara 上尉完成他的任务。

Such manoeuvring might explain the emergence of a pro-CNDD movement in August. Known as the Mouvement Dadis Dois Rester–Dadis Must Stay–it is said to be composed of "young people" anxious to see Captain Camara complete his job.


This fascination for ping-pong began very early in my life, and it can be explained by the fact that it is a very popular sport in Madeira, where there are several clubs, extremely competitive on a national level, such as Sao Roque, Estreito or Camara de Lobos.

这种对乒乓球的迷恋在我很小的时候就开始了,也许是因为在马德拉这是一种非常受欢迎的运动,那里有很多俱乐部,甚至达到了国家级水平,比如Sao Roque,Estreito 或者Camara de Lobos。

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Camara De Gas

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
