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与 buss 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I have not talked to Jerry Buss about this but that's what I will tell him.


It's not that Buss was good to Bryant.

这并不是说 Buss 对布莱恩特好。

To keep up with the update of the lab appliances and the alternation of experimental contents, ORR BUSS has never stopped improving the design and style of products and been devoted to offering a warm and easeful working environment.

为了跟上实验室仪器更新和实验内容变更的步伐,ORR BUSS公司不断改进产品的设计样区和风格,致力于为科研人员提供温馨舒适的工作环境。

Buss and I have had several conversations, he says without a hint of exasperation.

Buss 和我谈过几次话,他说的时候没有一丝愤怒。

No matter what Buss was thinking, it was a giant miscalculation.


Unfortunately and unconscionably, being Kobe, he went off the deep end, saying they lied to him — Buss had a long-term strategy for three seasons and he just found out?


Also active in the process is Jim Buss who is very involved, but to date defers to the team's basketball people.

同时 Jim Buss 在那次交易的过程中也非常积极,不过他现在是球队篮球组的人。

Those comments, and subsequent ones by owner Jerry Buss willing to "listen" to trade requests for Kobe created a media frenzy around Lakers training camp, which harked back to the Kobe-Shaq feud days in the championship years.

那时候的评论,以及之后在湖人训练营期间,科比向媒体宣泄了自己的愤怒,导致老板 Jerry Buss 表示愿意&听从&科比的交易请求,这一切,似乎让时光回溯到了冠军年代科比-鲨鱼之间的不和岁月。

The Lakers are pursuing a longer-term plan that is different from what Dr. Buss shared with me at the time I re-signed as a free agent.


The Lakers are pursuing a longer-term plan that is different from what Dr. Buss shared with me at the time I re-signed as a free agent.


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Buss Guns
Buss My Gun
I'll Buss 'Em You Punish 'Em
True Friend (Buss A Shot)
Buss One
Bellee Buss (Don't Make Me Laugh)
Buss Di Dance
Buss'n Rocks
Wanna See 'Em Buss
Buss It Off

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
