英语人>网络例句>bias 相关的网络例句
与 bias 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There was clear evidence of a strong bias against the workers in the news report.


Secondly, the author has researched the wavelet coefficients distribution property based on the histgram of detail subimages, and proposed an adaptive image quantization algorithm according to local data distribution in every subimage. In this quantization procession, every subimage will be disparted to some sub-blocks, and the sub-blocks will be quantized with different quantizer according the coefficients distribution; when the bias is large, the sub-block will be quantized with high accuracy; when the bias is little, the sub-block will be quantized coarsely.


The algorithm has some problems, such as bias problem, aliasing problem and one problem that affects none-shade part of image and is caused by Gaussian blur. To solve these problems, this paper makes some improvement on the algorithm. Firstly, it uses the Woos average depth principle and PCF algorithm to solving bias problem and aliasing problem; secondly, it designs and implements an effective method to control the range of blur; thirdly, it adapts any size texture to story information. This method for keeping information plays important part on raising realistic graphic; fourthly, it takes use of the technology of programmable graphics hardware and the method of FBO to improve efficiency of algorithm.


The results indicated that:(1) Heroin abstainers showed significant attention bias to heroin-related cues;(2) The attentional bias did not change along the treating process.


The results indicated that heroin abstainers displayed the same potency of attentional bias to these two kinds of cues and the attentional bias remained stable at different treatment phases.


The high quality nanocrystalline diamond film is successfully deposited by double bias voltage nucleation and grid bias voltage growth.


A positive grid bias and a negative substrate bias voltage s are applied to the self-made hot filament chemical vapor deposited system.


A central bias function and an arithmetic of pitch detection based on central bias function were proposed for the transition sound, which cannot be detected by the traditional arithmetic of pitch calculation.


The experimental results show that the response time of the GaAs detector is about 100 ps and is independent of the bias voltage. However, it is dependent on the conditions of measurement system. The method of neutron irradiation and techniques change can improve the response time of the detector. The relationship between the sensitivity and the bias voltage is linear.

实验结果表明:SI-LEC GaAs光电导辐射探测器时间响应约为100 ps,与探测器偏压无关,但受测试系统的影响较大;用中子辐照改性和改进工艺的方法可提高探测器的时间响应;探测器的直流激光响应与偏压则呈线性关系。

This study examines whether there exists the self-attribution bias while domestic mutual funds managers and individual investors facing funds their performances. We find that mutual fund managers have the self-attribution bias, but individual investors deem that external environment factors would influence investment performance.


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Someday (I Will Understand) (Hi-Bias Signature Radio Remix)
Self Bias Resistor

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
