英语人>网络例句>bent 相关的网络例句
与 bent 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Be bent on reform;Reform with keen determination


In chapter 3, we firstly discuss the equivalence of the known APN polynomialfunctions on binary field. Moreover, we present a new family of APN polynomialfunctions and analyze their bent property.


Another part of our work begins with definition of multioutput generalized bent functions. We show their spectral characteristics and give equivalence definition using generalized first order Chrestenson cyclic spectrum. Also we calculate rate of accordance between multioutput generalized bent functions and multioutput m-valued affine functions. Then we define multioutput m-valued perfect nonlinear functions and show relationship between them and multioutput generalized bent functions. Finally we give two ways of constructions of multioutput generalized bent functions.


A necessary and sufficient condition for a fx + t(y + g to be a bent function is disscussed,on which basis a necessary and sufficient condition for a function F = fix + tq + g to be a bent function is given when q is not a balanced-function by use of cyclic walsh spectrum and decomposition formula of walsh spectrum.


The main contributions of the second part of this dissertation are focused on the cryptographic properties of logical functions over finite field, with the help of the properties of trace functions, and that of p-polynomials, as well as the permutation theory over finite field: The new definition of Chrestenson linear spectrum is given and the relation between the new Chrestenson linear spectrum and the Chrestenson cyclic spectrum is presented, followed by the inverse formula of logical function over finite field; The distribution for linear structures of the logical functions over finite field is discussed and the complete construction of logical functions taking on all vectors as linear structures is suggested, which leads to the conception of the extended affine functions over finite field, whose cryptographic properties is similar to that of the affine functions over field GF (2) and prime field F〓; The relationship between the degeneration of logical functions and the linear structures, the degeneration of logical functions and the support of Chrestenson spectrum, as well as the relation between the nonlinearity and the linear structures are discussed; Using the relation of the logical functions over finite field and the vector logical functions over its prime field, we reveal the relationship between the perfect nonlinear functions over finite field and the vector generalized Bent functions over its prime field; The existence or not of the perfect nonlinear functions with any variables over any finite fields is offered, and some methods are proposed to construct the perfect nonlinear functions by using the balanced p-polynomials over finite field.


The upper-bound counts and the lower-bound counts of Bent functions are proposed by researching the Hadamard matrix, which decrease the searching space of Bent functions.


When the information of the bent function exceeds the lower bound, we can find it.


In this dissertation, we mainly use character matrix to research cryptology characteristic of Boolean function and m-ary logic function.Firstly, by using properties of character matrix's row and column we get an equivalence condition of bent function. Then we have an entirely construct method of 4 variable bent function.


In this paper,we discuss the Walsh spectral characteristics of partially-bent functions over ring Znq(q=p1*p2,p1、p2 are primes),propose two new concepts―nonzero factor variant-permanently linear structure and zero divisor variant―permanently linear structure,classify the variant-permanently linear structure of partially-bent functions and show their correlation,obtain several new equivalent conditions of partially-bent functions on ring Znq,finally,point out the correlations among balance, linear structure and points taking nonzero spectrum.


This paper generalizes the conclusion of Perfect nonlinear S-boxes by Nyberg(1991), and introduces the conception of inverse regular generalized vector Bent function. It shows that for inverse regular generalized vector Bent function f with even variables, m is no more than half of?. It also shows that when the input dimension n is odd, the regular generalized vector Bent function and the inverse regular generalized vector Bent function do not exist. This may prevent the cryptology designer from seeking the inexistent function.


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Bent Life
Bent 4 U
Bent Backwards And Broken
Whiskey Bent And Hell Bound
Hell Bent On A Heartache
Whiskey Bent And Hell Bound
Hell Bent For Leather
Queen B (Glitched And Bent Mix)

I can't say anything hurtful about anyone.


She was a short fat woman , garbed in a very tight , very gaudy red dress .


Leaf blade orbicular or oblong to ovate-lanceolate, less than 3 × as long as wide, abaxially not pruinose.

叶片圆形或长圆形的到卵状披针形,少于3 *倍于宽,背面不具粉霜。