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与 begin 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

11 Begin 8.11 begin doing/to do begin / start to do sth /begin / start doing sth.

1 谈及一项长期活动或开始一种习惯时,使用 doing。

Fenton was also involved in mapping out the guidelines of the Prologue, beginning Valjean's release from the chain gang, and ending with him tearing up his parole papers and vowing that "another story must begin."

芬顿还为我们勾勒出了序曲部分的大体方向,序曲从冉阿让从苦役中得到假释开始,到他撕毁假释令,发誓"another story must begin。"

Firstly, a file which contains everything before the string "12345678901234567890" and its length this file is called begin.exe


We might think that we could simulate the effect of front_inserter by using inserter and the begin iterator for the container.

也许我们会认为可使用 inserter 和容器的 begin 迭代器来模拟 front_inserter 的效果。

In this example, p1 and p2 share data until QPainter::begin is called for p2, because painting a pixmap will modify it.

在这个例子中,p1 和 p2 共享数据,直到为p2调用函数QPainter::begin ,因为画一副图将会改变这幅图。

Begin/ start to do begin/ start doing begin / start to do sth begin / start doing sth.


Due to its internal structure, finding the first element of an unordered container begin ( operation is amortized constant-time.

由于内部结构的原因,查找无序容器的第一个元素 begin (操作是分期常量时间复杂度的。

Begin-B-BCD-Check adjustment,operation,low pressure inflator connection,an that tank is firm in the band.


Shimon Peres, taking the first turn, adopted a clearly warmer tone than former Prime Minister Menachem Begin had toward the U.S.

西蒙。佩雷斯在第一轮担任总理,相较于他的前任总理Menachem Begin,他采取了友好得多的对美政策。

Therefore, after schoolmate lectures, the teacher then imitates, the head looks own chest, said low voice, Now let's begin our lesson

于是,当同学演讲完后,教师便效仿一下,头看着自己的胸口,小声说道,Now let's begin our lesson,please

第1/100页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Can I Begin
Let The Games Begin
Begin The Beguine
(Where Do I Begin) Love Story
Let The Killing Begin
Where Do I Begin?
Begin Again From The Beginning
Black Days Begin
Let's Begin (Shoot The Shit)
Begin The Begin

Following the pattern set by the first two Desolator Airstrikes, the Desolator Delta Airstrike utilizes three bombers and has a very large area of effect.


These structures impose limits on risk-taking that publicly traded companies do not.


It is the outcome of presupposition.
