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与 beaver 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of meeting space, a skillfully integrated Health Club featuring state-of-the-art equipment and an indoor pool, as well as three distinctive venues to experience Montréal's gastronomy at its best: Les Voyageurs lounge, Le Montréalais bistro- restaurant and the award-winning Beaver Club, recognized as one of the best tables in Canada.

酒店每年举办30多个节日。酒店有50,000 平方英尺的会议面积,有设施现代的健康俱乐部和室内游泳池。在Les Voyageurs lounge, Le Montréalais bistro- restaurant 和获奖的Beaver Club3个地方你可感受到蒙特利尔的美食,这3个地方被认为是加拿大最好的美食地方之一。

The Beaver website was attracting readers who had little interest in Samuel de Champlain's astrolabe or what prairie settlers ate for breakfast.

该杂志的网站"The Beaver"正在吸引一些对萨缪尔?德?尚普兰的星盘或大草原上的定居者以什么为早餐毫无兴趣的访问者。

"Here we are, Mrs Beaver," said Mr Beaver, I've found them.


John Colter, the explorer who discovered Yellowstone Park claimed that he once escaped from the Indians by diving into a beaver pond and coming tip inside a beaver lodge .


L: And would you say you still are an eager beaver when it comes to teaching Chinese?

H: 现在呢,不像刚开始那么卖劲了。像你一样,我也不是以前的eager beaver了。

In 1951, the then director of the Guinness Brewery, Sir Hugh Beaver, wanted to settle an argument about the fastest bird in Europe.

在1951年,时任吉尼斯啤酒公司的董事长 Sir Hugh Beaver 想要解决一个关于欧洲最快的鸟的争论。

In 1951, the then director of the Guinness Brewery, Sir Hugh Beaver, wanted to settle an argument about the fastest bird in the world.

在1951年, Guinness Brewery当时的厂长Hugh Beaver先生想要结束一场关于欧洲飞行速度最快的飞禽的争辩。

For this is what Otter and Beaver does quite naturally in nature; Beaver upon the Land and Otter along the coastal waters of the ocean.


In the Beaver Country Day School, the curriculum seems to be organized on a subject basis, but with an integration of subjects not usually found.

在Beaver Country Day学校,课程似乎是以学科为基础做课程组织,但课程的统整较少出现。

Think of Jim Beaver's Bobby and the Winchesters more as lieutenants and corporals than generals or field marshals.

认为Jim Beaver所扮演的 Bobby 和温家兄弟更像是上尉和下士,而不是什么将军或者元帅。

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Wynona's Big Brown Beaver
Justin's Beaver
Justin's Beaver The Movie
Justin Beaver II
Beaver O'Lindy

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
