英语人>网络例句>aunt 相关的网络例句
与 aunt 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Tennessee the limited imagination and education of the mountaineers has led to names like Arc, Aunt, Bee, Fry, Fly, Gum, Kate, Lucy, etc.


Comes me thedwelling to eat the lunch," Aunt Xiong said " Good, we can come," Aunt Xiong said She cooks the vegetable the bowl to suspend on the cool preparationworks as the dinner Then, bear family of three go to Aunt Xiong's dwelling Is called the garden balsam the little girl lives inside the village She has discovered bear's house, and has not asked Walked has gone in She sits on a chair " This chair too was hard!


YuShiXia aunt's mother is a statue in that please open the back of the bodhisattva light moving town, and aunt invited a geomantic gentleman to looked at her aunt's house, then moving geomancer says something aunt also don't remember, the general idea is house like the orientation have questions, please honor bodhisattva or very be necessary.


Aunt and xia aunt is very good friend, when she heard this time also feel very magical, but is the experience of nepheline aunt, aunt have to believe, before moving the husband also don't believe that aunt after the ghost of the said, every day and xia together before aunt in bodhisattva block and a henceforth.


He moved in with Aunt Spiker and Aunt Sponge. They are terrible people and they treated him like a slave.

他搬到Aunt Spiker和Aunt Sponge家,她们把James当作家中劳工,也不让他接触其他人。

Wilbur's friendly mother Franny who teaches frogs to sing and play musical instruments; The family's squid-like butler Lefty; Bud's wife Lucille, who is fond of dancing; Bud's brother Uncle Fritz and his "wife", a hand puppet called Aunt Petunia; Tallulah and Laszlo, who are Uncle Fritz and Aunt Petunia's children; Bud's brother Uncle Joe and his wife Aunt Billie Kellie M.

这个家子的男管家, Lefty,却长得像鱿鱼一样;还有就是巴德的兄弟,弗里茨叔叔,把一个叫矮牵牛阿姨的布偶娃娃唤作老婆;而弗里茨叔叔和矮牵牛阿姨的孩子却是塔露和拉兹洛;这个家族还有巴德的兄弟乔伊叔叔和乔伊叔叔的老婆比莉姑姑;至于双胞胎 spike 和 dimitri 叔叔,他们跟这个家族的关系却不得而知;还有 franny 的兄弟, gaston 叔叔,是个鲁莽蛮勇的人。

Aunt woke up 5 to 6 times in the daytime, and her upper limb and lower limb in the left side both convulsed spontaneously when I pricked the well points…All the relatives wept when they saw that aunt could wake up sometimes…My third aunt has two elder sisters and a younger sister. How could her sisters be unexcited?


She locked herself in her room, determined to kill the worm that did not leave her enough breath to live, until Aunt Francisca tried to persuade her to capitulate once and for all before it was too late.

她把自己关在房里,下定决心要把啮咬着她的心不给她片刻喘息的机会的毒虫驱逐出去。 Aunt Francisca 过来劝她采取一劳永逸的办法,趁早束手就擒。

The elder sister Lucy ate so much food in dinner, Aunt told her she will be fat if she eat too much, while Young sister Linda didn't want to have meat and hid the bread in order to have it when she's hungery, Aunt asked her to hand it out,and taught her how to cut meat, but Linder feel slept when aunt was teaching.


Years ago, Aunt Nel was still slim and fashionable,with her hair highly buned up and a cigarette in mouth, she look elegant and high fashion;uncle Piet was also thinner and more handsome, always sitting straight and smiling in a reserved way, you can feel the stern air of a military officer.20 years ago, Dad kept a small moustache on his mouth popular of that time and always wore a coffee-colored glass, whistling happy melodies every day; Mum was favoring colorful dresses with a thick pad on the shouder typical of the day and a big white-framed glass,covering half of her gentle face. 20 years ago, Aunt Marja and Uncle John were just married, and their wedding ceremony was romantic and beautiful;there was no Rick yet, and Ruud, Tom and Freddy,dressed up in neat suite and shiny shoes, wearing red or black ties and coloful 'corsage' on the chest, became the most handsome and eye-cathing little stars of the wedding...

20年前,大姨Aunt Nel还很苗条很时尚,头发高高盘起,口中经常优雅地叼着一根细长的烟,一副上流社会贵妇人的风范;姨夫Uncle Piet很消瘦很精神,总是西装笔挺,坐姿端正,一副正规军队高级官员的风骨。20年前,R爸爸留的是当时最流行的小胡子,架着一副茶色玻璃眼镜,口中经常吹着欢快的曲调;R妈妈穿的是当时最时髦的垫着厚厚衬肩的红色大花套裙,架的是一副白色边框的超大眼镜,面对镜头,总有点略带羞涩。20年前,最小的阿姨Aunt Marja和Uncle John才刚结婚,两家人齐聚一堂,举行了一场浪漫温馨的婚礼;那时的大家庭里还没有现在的表弟Rick,身着笔挺小西装、脚踏噌亮小皮鞋,系着红黑色小领结、戴着鲜艳小礼花的Ruud、Tom和Freddy三个,成了整个婚礼上最闪亮耀眼的小明星。。。

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Gigolo Aunt
Electric Aunt Jemima
Aunt Dot
I Fucked My Aunt
Aunt Betty

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
