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与 attire 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From the elegant dresses to a sexless trendy attire, it is simply a fashion show.


Bright color or showiness, as of dress; finery.Splendid attire; finery.


From somnambulism: once, sleeping, his body had risen, crouched and crawled in the direction of a heatless fire and, having attained its destination, there, curled, unheated, in night attire had lain, sleeping.


"No, Pa, I'm no tattletale like Suellen," she assured him, standing off to view his rearranged attire with a judicious air.


No, pa, I'm no tattletale like Suellen,'she assured him, standing off to view his rearranged attire with a judicious air.


Reed might at that time some six or seven-and-thirty; she was a woman of robust frame, square-shouldered and strong limbed, not tall, and, though stout, not obese; she had a somewhat large face, the underjaw being much developed and very solid; her brow was low, her chin large and prominent, mouth and nose sufficiently regular; under her light eyebrows glimmered an eye devoid of ruth; her skin was dark and opaque, her hair nearly flaxen; her constitution was sound as a bell---illness never came near her; she was an exact, clever manager, her household and tenantry were thoroughly under her control; her children only, at times, defined her authority, and laughed it to scorn; she dressed well, and had a presence and port calculated to set off handsome attire.

Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre 那时侯,里德太太约莫有三十六七岁光景;她是个身体强壮的女人,阔肩膀,四肢结实,个儿不高,胖乎乎的,但还不能算胖得不得了;脸相当大,下颚很发达,很壮实;额头很低,下巴又大又突出,嘴巴跟眼睛还算端正;淡淡的眉毛下面,一双无情的眼睛在闪亮;她的皮肤黑黑的没有光泽,头发差不多和亚麻一个颜色;她的身体结实得跟一口钟一般——疾病从不敢接近她。她是个精明而严厉的总管,她的一家大小和所有的佃户全都归她管;只有她的孩子们偶尔会反抗和嘲笑她的权威。她讲究衣饰,她还有一种指望把她的漂亮衣服衬托得更美的风度和仪态。

Yingtai came out from the sedan and put the red wedding attire off and just was in white. She cried loudly and sadly in front of the tomb. A sudden thunder-storm came and the tomb split with loud noise amazingly. Yingtai who loved Liang deeply jumped into the tomb with smile before others could realize it.


The idea for the display got quick approval from the arts council and officials in the village of about 3,700, which has a 1960s feel with people in tie-dyed clothing and other hippie-like attire frequenting streets lined with artisan shops.


The idea for the display got quick approval from the arts council and officials in the village of 3,700, which has a 1960s feel with people in tie-dyed clothing and other hippie-like attire frequenting streets lined with artisan shops.


David humbly divested himself of his royal attire and, wearing only a simple linen ephod, joined the common people in dancing and worshipping God before the Ark, His "unkingly" behaviour caused his wife Michal to despise him (6:16), and she sarcastically charged him with being base or lowly.


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He knows that he's one of the mostdominant players in the NBA right now.


Using analysis method of BCG , the dissertation analyzed the management of voluntary service organizations .


A caret is a mark place below a line to show where something should be put in .
