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与 alongside 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the moment, the Z4 is built alongside the X5 in Spartanburg, South Carolina, but it's expected the new model, due in 2010, will be built at BMW's Regensburg plant in Germany according to a report by the German Press Association.

目前,Z4与X5一样在宝马位于南卡罗来纳州Spartanburg的工厂生产,但据German Press Association报道,预计将在2010年上市的新车型将在宝马位于德国Regensburg的工厂生产。

Randers Museum of Art will be a prominent new landmark at the entrance to the town of Randers and alongside the Guden River.


Take a ride through nature on the spectacular Great Ocean Road, which winds alongside the wild and windswept Southern Ocean from Geelong to Portland.


All these attributes and more were in evidence at Athens 2004 when she finished the event joint top-scorer with five goals alongside German superstar Birgit Prinz.


Marine Corps functioning as the Emperor's praetorian guard alongside the Imperial Knights.


Her first television role was hosting the 1994 show "Control", alongside Entertainment Tonight host Carlos Ponce.


By 1820 a subscription library was operating alongside Gray's Library (then considered the core of the Town Library) in Haddington.


B y 1820 a subscription library was operating alongside Gray's Library (then considered the core of the Town Library) in Haddington.

到1820年,在哈丁顿镇(苏格兰东南部东洛锡安议会区和历史郡皇家自治镇—— sinolib 注)一所会员图书馆与当时被认为是哈丁顿镇核心的格雷图书馆一起开放。

B y 1820 a subscription library wasoperating alongside Gray's Library (then considered the core of theTown Library) in Haddington.

到1820年,在哈丁顿镇(苏格兰东南部东洛锡安议会区和历史郡皇家自治镇—— sinolib 注)一所会员图书馆与当时被认为是哈丁顿镇核心的格雷图书馆一起开放。

Today, Americans are urging the Afghans to fight alongside a major US advance in the Helmand Province.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
