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与 alec 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alec Su dressed as such.........in the garb of the local yokels .......looking so very "country bumkin and backwaters".......we rubbed our eyes in disbelief....


The Alec Guinness Collection presents this screen legend's classic comedies including King Hearts and Coronets,The Lavender Hill Mob,The Man in the White Suit,and The Captain's Paradise,and still considered to be among the greatest movie comedies ever made.


What's to stop them employing a red-faced choleric actor - I suggest Bob Doolally - changing his name to Sir Alec Ferguson, and interviewing him in a cod tunnel after every game.

什么能阻止他们雇佣一个红脸易怒的演员(我推荐Bob Doolally),把他的名字变成亚历克·弗格森爵士,并在每场比赛结束后在球员通道里采访他。

What's to stop them employing a red-faced choleric actor - I suggest Bob Doolally - changing his name to Sir Alec Ferguson, and interviewing him in a cod tunnel after every game.

什么能阻止他们雇佣一个红脸易怒的演员(我推荐Bob Doolally),把他的名字变成亚历克·弗格森爵士,并在每场比赛结束后在球员通道里采访他呢?

ALEC DRICKSON: But Microsoft's rivals in the operating system market reject any suggestion they're trying to freeload.


Follow Alec Baldwin's admonition in the movie Glengarry Glen Ross—"ABC…Always Be Closing." Sprinkle your call to action throughout your letter.


MOE ALEC: That's a very interesting point indeed Alan, because critics, you know, among the chief critics are the owner of Johanna Causmus, Jomo Sono, who of course was the National coach at the 2002 World Cup in Japan and Korea, and John Cameetus who is the Chief Executer officer of IS Cape Town, and both these clubs accurately are out sponsored.


Alec Stone Sweet plays in altered tunings to play the beautiful Irish moods at its best.

阿里克 斯通斯威特用他的特殊调弦演奏着最好的爱尔兰情调。

Mr Cameron would be Britain's poshest prime minister since Alec Douglas-Home in the early 1960s.


That night the house detective raided Alec's hotel room.


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Alec Eiffel
Alec Eiffel

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
