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与 afterimage 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You will see the afterimage on your hand and it will appear larger than when it was on the wall.


Each dream is an afterimage of a women leaving.


The applications of visual negative afterimage in the artistic design were analyzed.


The principle of visual negative afterimage supplementary color balance was introduced. The applications of visual negative afterimage in the artistic design were analyzed.


Uncover your left eye and look at the wall and you will see the afterimage. However, when you cover your right eye you won't see an afterimage.


First, an eidetic image is not simply a long afterimage, sinceafterimages move around when you move your eyes and are usually adifferent color than the original image.

第一、一个"eidetic image"并非是个"longafterimage"那样简单,因为"afterimage"会在你移动自己的眼球时移动,并且通常会是相较原象不同的颜色。

Cases (116 eyes) were treated with Haidinger brush ,afterimage and red flicker as treatment group , and the other 126 cases (126 eyes) were treated with afterimage and red flicker as control group .


These effects are applied zero times to the most recent afterimage frame, once to the second-newest afterimage frame, twice in succession to the third-newest afterimage frame, etc.


Known bugs: If the timegap parameter in the originating AfterImage controller is not set at 1, using this AfterImageTime will cause the frame positions to be reset.


If any person B, in any imaginable situation at any time t', were warranted in believing that at an earlier time t some specified person A sincerely made the statement "My present afterimage is red," and also that A did not immediately revoke or otherwise discredit it, then B would not be warranted at t' in believing that at t A had an afterimage that was not red.

这里排除A所可能发生的"使用和表达错误",A确实有红色的余象( afterimage :视觉刺激结束后持续的图像);而且这里不仅要表明B没有证据表明A的陈述是错的,而且之所以如此是因为A的陈述意味着被描述为红的是余象而非其他,不是一个反思,不是一个玻璃杯上的红点,不是墙上的红斑。B不能矫正的不是A的陈述,而是A的余象。

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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
