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与 adulthood 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, we realized someday that adulthood means more than appetence, it implies courage, liability, adamancy and sacrifice when necessary.


However , we realized someday that adulthood means more than appetence . It implied courage , liability , adamancy and sacrifice when necessary .


However, we realized someday that adulthood means more than appetence. It implies courage, liability, adamancy and sacrifice when necessary. We are still kids before life. In fact, we are far from growing up because we do not understand how to read love and being loved yet.


However adulthood means more than appetence. It implies courage, liability, adamancy and sacrifice when necessary. We're still kids before life.


Sonmetime we realized someday that adulthood means more than appetence . It implied courage , liability ,adamancy and ascrifice when necessary .


However, we realized someday that adulthood means more than appetency.


Drawing on compelling interviews and new research, Terri Apter considers the many aspects of the sister relationship from birth through adulthood.


Thus, much of Aristophanes's adulthood passed amidst the turmoil of war, and much of his work, such as The Acharnians and Lysistrata suggest how the war taxed the minds, bodies, and souls of the Athenian people.

因此,许多阿里斯托芬的成年通过烟雨动荡的战争,他的大部分工作,例如Acharnians 和 Lysistrata 建议如何征税战争的思想,组织,和灵魂的雅典人。

Just think of who in the world will nurture you from babyhood to adulthood.


There will be something that will take the place of rock and roll, bobby socks, and hot rods, something that will seem ludicrous to those who will have recently grown out of their teens into adulthood, and alarming to the parents who have to put up with it.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
