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与 acute 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods Plasma IL-8 levels in 30 ACD patients(patients with acute 40 cerebral hemorrhage, 32 patients with acute cerebral infarction)and in 30 healthy subjects were measured by ELISA.


Acute triangle: The three angle are all acute angles.


Triangle with three acute angles is called acute angle triangle.

重点句子: 1。*三个角都是锐角的三角形叫做锐角三角形。

They affect the breathing tubes and the lungs, and include acute bronchitis, acute bronchiolitis and various kinds of pneumonia.


Acute triangle: The three angles are all acute angles.


Objective:To observe effects of rehabilitation and the relationship between improvement of motor function and ADL on acute and non-acute stage stroke patients.


To evaluate the relationship between the levels of hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the change of the cellular immunity in the patients with cor pulmonal during acute exacerbation. The 36 patients with cor pulmonal were examined.The plasma levels of adrenocorticotrophic hormone.β-endorphin and glucocorticoids and the counts of CD+3、CD+4、CD+8 cells and the CD4CD8 ratio in peripheral blood were analysed during acute exacerbation and stable stage.

为了探讨肺心病急性加重期患者下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质轴激素水平与细胞免疫变化的关系,本研究同步检测了36例肺心病患者急性加重期及缓解期血浆促肾上腺激素、β-内啡肽、糖皮质激素及外周血 T 淋巴细胞亚群的变化,并分析它们之间的相互关系。

Results During the period of 1992 to 2004, a number of 41 acute sulfureted hydrogen poisonings occurred in Shanghai with 132 workers poisoned and 46 workers died (34.8%); acute sulfureted hydrogen poisoning showed an increasing tendency, which mostly occurred during the work of sewage pipe dredging in the city planning projects; 68.3% of acute sulfureted hydrogen poisonings occurred in the confined spaces, which was 2.2 times of that in the non-confined spaces.

结果 上海市1992~2004年间共发生急性硫化氢中毒事故41起,造成132人中毒,其中46人死亡,病死率34.8%;1999~2004年,硫化氢中毒呈现上升趋势;硫化氢中毒多发生在市政污水管道疏通或窨井污物清理等作业中;68.3%的硫化氢中毒发生在密闭空间,是非密闭空间的2.2倍。

"These findings support the current strategy of directing patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome to the nearest hospital with acute care facilities, irrespective of the availability of a catheterisation laboratory, and argue against early routine transfer of these patients to tertiary care hospitals with interventional facilities," the authors write."Our results do not suggest that an invasive approach to patients with acute coronary syndrome is harmful but that a more restrictive selective use of invasive procedures, as usually applied to patients first admitted to a community hospital, is at least as effective as a more liberal routine use."


The quantity of CD3+ cells in the EdNSC, AdNSC of cloning goattransplantation group and control group had no statistics difference(P>0.05) at acute and chronic period.Overall, in our study, We got the conclusions as follow: 1,The EdNSC, AdNSCof cloning goat and the AdNSC of the non-cloning goat were successful obtained;EdNSC growed faster than AdNSC in the same cell culture method. 2,The braincontusion and laceration model of cloning goats were successful established by freefalling of 50 gram of steel ball accelerate strike on the goat brain from 100cm height.3, EdNSC and AdNSC transplantation both had obvious therapeutic effect on braincontusion and laceration of cloning goats; The therapeutic effect of EdNSCtransplantation was better. 4, Allograft of stem cells has acute and chronicimmunological rejection and autografting of stem cells has no acute and chronicimmunological rejection.

在相同的条件下,EdNSC体外培养速度比成AdNSC快。2对羊脑上薛氏沟周围运动皮层区使用50g×100 cm力度作自由落体加速撞击,可产生观察指标明确且存活率高的羊脑挫裂伤模型,有望广泛用于神经干细胞移植及药物等治疗的实验研究。3胚胎神经干细胞及成体神经干细胞移植治疗脑挫裂伤后均有较明显的治疗效果;二者相比较而言胚胎神经干细胞稍好于成体神经干细胞。4中枢神经系统异体神经干细胞移植存在着明显的免疫排斥反应,而自体神经干细胞移植基本无免疫排斥反应

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Acute Schizophrenia Paranoia Blues

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
