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与 activity 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A specific antigen from group A streptococcal cell membrane and 1% PHA used as a stimulant to test the peripheral blood lymphocyte adherence inhibition percent and procoagulant activity in 30 cases of active rheumatic carditis, 24 cases of inactive rheumatic carditis and 38 cases of normal controls.

用A组乙型溶血链球菌特异性菌膜抗原和1%植物血凝素作为刺激物,分别测定38例健康对照组,30例风湿性心脏病风湿活动组,24例风湿性心脏病静止组的外周血淋巴细胞贴壁抑制百分率(Lymphocyte adherence inhibition percent, LAIP)和促凝血活性(Procoagulant activity, PCA)。

This study is to give a solution for the estimation of flash point for mixtures, the necessity for classification of flammable liquids. The traditional models for predicting flash point of mixtures usually by the activity coefficient approach. However, the parameters of activity coefficient were regressed from phase equilibrium data in the literatures. If there is no such parameter in literatures for the desired mixture, the model cannot predict the flash point oft hat mixture. Thus, this research aims at the improvement of deficiency of the flash point prediction models in the literatures by useing UNIFAC (Universal Quasi-chemical Functional Group Activity Coefficient) equation, Dortmund-UNIFAC equation and Lyngby-UNIFAC equation. In this study, we were aim at the prediction model for miscible mixtures.From the result, it is suggested to use different type of UNIFAC equation to estimast activivity coefficient in the predition of flash point for different mixture type.

易燃液体分类的主要依据参数为闪火点值,因此本研究目的为解决易燃液体中混合物分类时所面临到的闪火点值缺乏的问题,而在过去文献中所提出的闪火点预测模式会使用到活性系数,但这些模式使用到的活性系数均需要相平衡的数据以回归其所需参数,若所欲估算闪火点的混合溶液文献上未有相关参数,则无法有效利用闪火点预测模式估算其闪火点,因此针对文献中现有闪火点预测模式的缺点,利用描述液体混合物活性系数UNIFAC (Universal Quasi-chemical Functional Group Activity Coefficient)方程式、Dortmund-UNIFAC方程式和 Lyngby-UNIFAC方程式,建立发展一闪火点预测模式,而本研究以互溶溶液为对象。

The 24-week study randomized women who had undergone hysterectomy and bilateral oopherectomy at least six months before to 300 g testosterone administered by testosterone transdermal patch twice a week or placebo. The primary end point was change in total sexual activity as recorded in a sexual activity log. A secondary end point was score on the Profile of Female Sexual Function, an instrument that records seven domains of sexual function, including number of sexual activities, both intercourse and nonintercourse, and orgasm. Incidence of personal distress disorder was also evaluated.

一项为期24周的研究,研究人员随机给予至少六个月前经子宫切除或双侧卵巢切除的妇女,每周两次300毫克经由皮肤渗透的睪固酮或安慰剂,初步的目的是想透过sexual activity log的纪录,以了解整体的性能力;第二项目的是替妇女性功能测影Profile of Female Sexual Function计分,一项仪器纪录了七项主要的性功能指数,包括性行为次数、交往与非交往数目与高潮次数;个人忧虑症发生机率同时也包含在评估当中。

The outcome measures included muscle spasticity of paretic upper limb by Modified Ashworth Scale, grasp strength of both hands by JAMAR dynamometer, functional performance of paretic upper limb by Action Research Arm Test, daily use and movement quality of paretic upper limb by Motor Activity Log-28, and motor function by Brunnstrom upper limb recovery stage.

疗效评估包含—使用修正式艾许瓦氏等级量表评估患侧上肢肌痉挛程度、使用JAMAR握力计评估双手握力、使用功能研究手臂测试评估患侧上肢功能性表现、使用动作活动日志(Motor Activity Log-28)评估受试者患侧上肢的日常使用量及动作品质、使用布郎斯壮上肢恢复分期(Brunnstrom Upper Limb Recovery Stage)评估患侧上肢的动作功能。

We can then unbundle the values that were passed in to the Activity with the extras Bundle attached to the calling Intent.

然后,我们对传入到Activity的值进行分类,传入值使用Activity的extras Bundle,extras Bundle附着到调用的Intent上。

According to a thorough comparison and analysis of several classical criticality indexes including Path Criticality Probability, Activity Criticality Probability, Activity 'Cruciality' Index, all these indexes have limitations and pitfalls to some degree. Therefore, Activity Compound Criticality Index is presented as a compound index of ACP and ACI, and on the basis of ACCI, Project Compound Criticality Index, a new index that reflects the criticality of a whole project or subproject is proposed.

首先,对几个经典关键性指标——线路关键概率(Path Criticality Probability, PCP)、工序关键概率(Activity Criticality Probability, ACP)和工序关键指标(Activity Cruciality Index, ACI)——进行比较研究;鉴于各自利弊,提出一个 ACP 与 ACI 的整合指标——工序复合关键指标(Activity Compound Criticality Index,ACCI),并进一步提出了一个表征项目整体&关键&水平的新指标项目——复合关键指标(Project Compound Criticality Index, PCCI)。

The trait of being active; moving or acting rapidly and energetically activeness , activity inactiveness , inactivity , inertia


Objective: To explore the mechanisms resulting in the recurrence of urethral scar which make urethral strictures difficult to be cured, a series experiments were conducted to find potential effective factors involved in urethral scar formation and degradation, including the studies of extracellular matrix component of urethral stricture scar, the characteristics of urethral scar fibroblast, and the effects of urine on urethral fibroblast in vitro, as well as the studies to compare the difference of collagenase activity, type Ⅰ collagen and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) in the tissues and cultured fibroblasts from normal urethra and strictured urethra respectively, and the studies to investigate the effect of antisense TIMP-1 oligodeoxyonucleotide on cell proliferation and collagenase activity of urethral scar fibroblast.

中文题名尿道瘢痕基础研究副题名胶原酶活性,TIMP-1的表达及其反义基因治疗外文题名 Experimental study on urethral scar-activity of collagenase,expression of TIMP-1,and antisense TIMP-1 gene transfection of urethral scar fibroblast 论文作者黄翔导师杨宇如教授学科专业外科学研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位四川大学学位授予日期2002 论文页码总数104页关键词尿道手术瘢痕胶原酶成纤维细胞尿道瘢痕馆藏号BSLW /2003 /R699 /12 目的:研究尿道瘢痕的细胞外基质的组成,尿道瘢痕成纤维细胞的生物学特性以及尿液对其生长的影响;比较胶原酶活性,金属蛋白酶组织抑制因子-1(TIMP-1)以及Ⅰ型胶原含量在尿道瘢痕和正常尿道组织及体外培养的成纤维细胞中的差异;研究反义TIMP-1寡核苷酸对尿道瘢痕成纤维细胞增殖以及胶原酶活性的影响。

The activity of the inspiration-related neurons in mNRF and respiratory rhythmical discharge activity of the hypoglossal nerve rootlets were simultaneously recorded by using microelectrodes and suction electrodes, respectively.

以改良Kreb's液灌流脑片,记录mNRF吸气神经元的电活动,并同步记录舌下神经根呼吸节律性放电(respiratory rhythmical discharge activity,RRDA)。

The original poster you this API became old an overhaul changed this year January: Activity and ExternalActivity changed with ExternalActivityBehaviour Node changed ActivityBehaviour Activity looks in me, jbpm4 and Jbpm3 do not have what relation, the design that the kernel rescripted basically and is based on Pvm has very strong expansibility.

楼主你这个API老了今年一月份有个大修改:Activity 和 ExternalActivity 改成了ActivityBehaviour和ExternalActivityBehaviour而Node改成了Activity在我看来,jbpm4和jbpm3没啥关系,内核基本都重写了而基于pvm的设计有很强的扩展性。

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Activity As Phuctivity
Activity Grrrl
Activity Grrl

I can't say anything hurtful about anyone.


She was a short fat woman , garbed in a very tight , very gaudy red dress .


Leaf blade orbicular or oblong to ovate-lanceolate, less than 3 × as long as wide, abaxially not pruinose.

叶片圆形或长圆形的到卵状披针形,少于3 *倍于宽,背面不具粉霜。