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与 accessed 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It can be accessed by using the special accumulator key with the argument pack.

它可以通过对参数包使用特定的 accumulator 键来访问。

The active list contains pages that are currently mapped into memory and have been recently accessed.


This antitype has perfect preprocess function. To analyze stability by using the methods which proposed in this paper and Fellenius method. It has the function that scouts the more dangerous slippage automatically, and some other functions those can be accessed easily.


You can restrict the methods and properties that can be accessed by listing them in an array as the third registration parameter.


Like a vector, an array is a container of objects of a single data type. The individual objects are not named; rather, each one is accessed by its position in the array.

与 vector 类似,数组也是一种存储单一数据类型对象的容器,其中每个对象都没有单独的名字,而是通过它在数组中的位置对它进行访问。

As a result of the lack of memory access uniformity and atomicity, different processors may observe different values of the accessed variable.


In 1996, it accessed to china market as the first manufacture company in Oxygen Generating systems. In 2004,it joined in America Audubon Machinery Corporation.

1996年进入中国市场,是最早进入中国市场的医用制氧设备生产厂家,2004年加盟美国Audubon Machinery Corporation。

The lower byte of the register is accessed with an even number address, while the upper byte is accessed with the address plus one.


Keys can be hashed using hasher which is accessed by member function hash_function, and checked for equality using key_equal which is accessed by member function key_eq.

键值可以用 hasher 来散列,它通过成员函数 hash_function 访问,并且键值使用 key_equal 来检查等同性,它通过成员函数 key_eq 访问。

Furthermore, if one or more small data blocks accessed before exist among its corresponding large block of data to be expelled from the fully associative buffer, the small block accessed is copied to the direct-mapped cache.


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If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
