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与 Yogyakarta 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The problem now is that we are short of tents, many people are still living on the streets or open areas, Reuters quoted a field officer of the Yogyakarta disaster task force as saying.


Subandriyo, director of the Merapi division of Yogyakarta's Volcanology Center, said activity had been decreasing at the volcano since Tuesday and had now returned to its pre-quake levels.

日惹火山中心默拉皮分部主任 Subandriyo 说,自从星期二火山活动就一直在减少,现在已经恢复到地震前的水平。

In 1975, with a group of artists from Yogyakarta and Bandung, Supangkat founded Indonesia New Art Movement ( Gerakan Seni Rupa Baru Indonesia ).


He was born in Ujung Pandang, a city in South of Sulawesi which in the past known as Makassar Harbour, in year 1948. He entered Faculty of Fine Art and Design, Bandung Institute of Technology, in 1970. Before he was graduated in 1975, he studied esthetics under noted philosopher, Dick Hartoko OSJ in the city of Yogyakarta, between 1974-1975. At the same time, followed informal study on esthetics at Faculty of Philosophy and Faculty of Literature, Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta.

于1948年出生于苏拉威西岛南部曾以马卡萨海峡海港而驰名的城市乌戎潘当。1970年就读万隆工艺学院中的艺术设计系,毕业前曾于于1974到1975年间跟随著名哲学家Dick Hartoko OSL在日惹学习美学,同时在日惹的加查马达大学的哲学系和文学系中接受非正式的美学教育。

Sometimes she is referred as one of the spiritual queens or wives of the Susuhunan of Solo/ Surakarta and the Sultan of Yogyakarta and corresponding to Merapi - Kraton - South Sea axis in Solo Sultanate and Yogyakarta Sultanate.

有时她被称为是一种精神上的皇后或妻子的 Susuhunan 梭罗/苏拉卡和苏丹的日惹和相应的默拉皮火山-科腾-南海轴的独奏阿曼苏丹国和日惹苏丹。

Yos Biantoro, who was at the scene of the fire at Yogyakarta airport in central Java, told the El-Shinta radio station.

&我看到至少8具尸体堆在飞机前,&在中爪哇日惹机场失火现场的陆军上尉Yos Biantoro告诉El-Shinta电台。

Search-and-rescue teams in Yogyakarta said they saw extensive damage to buildings and homes and that some communications were down .


Legends recount her love for Senopati and the famous Sultan Agung of Mataram, which continues to be recounted in the ritualized Bedhaya dance by the royal line of Surakarta , and she is honored by the susuhunans of Solo/Surakarta and the sultans of Yogyakarta, Central-Java.

传说她的爱情重新为Senopati和著名的苏丹阿贡的马塔兰,它仍然是叙述在仪式 Bedhaya 舞蹈由王室行苏拉卡,她很荣幸的susuhunans梭罗/苏拉卡和日惹苏丹,中央Java技术。


Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
