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The good old minister came freshly from the death - chamber of Governor Winthrop, who had passed from earth to heaven within that very hour.


Excuse me, Mr., Macmillan? Could you tell me the fax number for Mr. Winthrop's office, please?


The first actual fire jumps in the history of smokejumping were made by Rufus Robinson and Earl Cooley at Marten Creek in the Nez Perce National Forest on July 12, 1940, out of Ninemile, followed shortly by a two-man fire jump out of Winthrop.


Gary Benton – a technology lawyer for 22 years in the area and a partner in the Palo Alto offices of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman – said the level of interest in the London market was unprecedented.

宝维斯律师事务所(Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman)帕洛阿尔托代表处合伙人加里·本顿称,目前美国企业对伦敦市场兴趣空前高涨。本顿在旧金山海湾地区已担任了22年的科技业律师。

The three leading New England Puritan exponents, John Winthrop, Jonathan Edwards, and Benjamin Franklin represented the embryo and the decline of Puritanism in New England. Then, through the comparison of Franklin and Thomas Paine, the author expatiates the significant role Franklin played in the "Age of Reason". In the last chapter, Franklin as a scientist and a social welfare worker is expounded and his overall significance in American culture is emphasized again.


Thank you, Miss Winthrop, he said as he left the room.


Could you tell me the fax number for Mr. Winthrop's office, please?


Daniel: Well, Winthrop jewelry's revenue has dropped 15% in the last quarter alone, right?

Winthrop 珠宝收益仅在上个季度就降低了15%是吧?

Winthrop jewelry.That was mine.- Yeah,here it is.


In the 1930s, Winthrop and Luella Kellogg raised their infant son together with an infant chimpanzee named Gua.

在十九世纪三十年代,Winthrop和Luella Kellogg把他们的男婴儿和一个叫Dua的幼儿猩猩一起抚养。

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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
