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与 Wallace 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In 1858 Darwinwas sent a scientific paper by a man called Alfred Wallace.

年,有一位名叫 Alfred Wallace 的人寄给达尔文一篇学术论文。

Over a century ago, Alfred Russell Wallace wrote that "we lived in a zoologically impoverished world, from which all of the hugest, and fiercest, and strangest forms have recently disappeared...".

一个多世纪前,Alfred Russell Wallace 那样写道,"我们生活在一个很多动物都灭绝的世界,所有巨大的、凶猛的、奇异的动物现在都消失不见了"。

I will be back to get you, Wallace. I will have my baker's dozen.


I am William Wallace. And I see a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyranny.

我就是William Wallace,我现在看到的是一支反对英格兰暴政而聚集的,由我同胞组成的军队。

This study utilizes the evolving systems approach proposed by Gruber and Wallace as the theoretical framework seeking to construct the fencing master's path of promoting the fencing sport through in-depth interviews and the collection of relevant literature.

本研究采用Gruber 和 Wallace 提出的进化系统取向之个案研究作为研究的理论框架,透过深度访谈、文献资料的搜集,建构出剑侠的击剑运动推广之路。

Partners* is so successful that Wallace's basement* is full of captive bunnies.


Based on Amy Tan's bestselling 2001 novel, with Ms. Tan as the librettist and Stewart Wallace (of 'Harvey Milk' fame) as the composer, it will have its world premiere at the San Francisco Opera on Sept.

这部歌剧改编自谭恩美2001年发表的畅销小说,由谭恩美担任编剧,斯图尔特·华莱士(Stewart Wallace,因歌剧《哈维米克》而闻名)担任作曲,于9月13日在洛杉矶歌剧院举行首演。

Tan as the librettist and Stewart Wallace (of 'Harvey Milk' fame) as the composer, it will have its world premiere at the San Francisco Opera on Sept.

华莱士(Stewart Wallace,因歌剧《哈维米克》而闻名)担任作曲,于9月13日在洛杉矶歌剧院举行首演。

For the partial products generation, the novel method of Booth encoding combined with partial products generating is put up, which can directly map the multiplicand and multiplicator to partition products without generating the BOOTH encoding results. For the optimization of Wallace tree adding, the series formulas of full-adder and 4-2 Compressor realization are introduced to guidance the selection. For the non-bias round, forwarding round disposal in Wallace tree method is brought forward to avoid the final multi-bit adder. Also, the idea of delay-oriented partition of the MAC frame is put up to achieve the perfect match with multi-pipeline DSP architecture.

提出了一种构建多模式算法最小并集的MAC通用结构思想与一种划分MAC通用结构以适应多流水级DSP处理器设计的通用MAC设计方法;对于BOOTH编码和部分积产生,提出了直接建立被乘数与部分积的多路选择映射关系的BOOTH编码和部分积联合产生方法;对于最优Wallace树型加法实现,提出了全加器和4-2 compressor电路实现Wallace树加法所需的关键加法路径级数公式以指导实现选择;对于无偏舍入处理,提出了在Wallace树处理舍入问题的舍入运算前置方法;提出了以时延为导向的MAC各部分单元组合与流水线匹配具体方法。

Wallace trees are the theoretically fastest multi operand adders, which can be used for obtaining the sum of partial products.

理论上 Wallace树结构加法器是乘法器中完成部分积求和的最快的多操作数加法器,但其互连复杂难于实现。

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American Jesus (Andy Wallace Mix)
The Ghost Of Christopher Wallace
Mia Wallace

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
