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Santa Cruz相关的网络例句

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与 Santa Cruz 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Kauffman cites research by University of California, Santa Cruz, economist Robert Fairlie, who analyzes different BLS data.

考夫曼基金会援引了加州大学圣克鲁兹分校(University of California Santa Cruz)经济学家费尔利的研究成果。后者对不同的劳工统计局数据进行了分析。

Enrique Eskenazi, a grandee of the private sector and the controlling shareholder in Banco Santa Cruz, argues that politics and business are so closely linked in Argentina because the country lacks the institutions that ought to separate them. In 2007 his company, Grupo Petersen, bought a 14.9% stake in YPF from Spain's Repsol, which wanted a well-connected local partner for its troubled investment.

民营企业大亨和Santa Cruz银行的最大股东Enrique Eskenazi认为,政商关系在阿根廷向来是紧密挂勾,因为国家乏缺一个将他们完全分离的体制。2007年,他的公司Grupo Petersen从西班牙Repsol石油购买YPF石油14.9%的股份,因为Repsol石油想要为自己的盲目投资找一个关系良好的本地合伙人接手。

Unlike many other authors, Robert had kept a copy of the original typescript, as submitted for publication~ on file at the library of the University of California at Santa Cruz, his archivists.

不像其他的作家,在负梓后,ROBERT 保存有最初打印稿的复印件。复印件位于SANTA CRUZ的加州大学图书馆他的卷宗内。

A second opposition front is comprised of four eastern departments (Tarija, Santa Cruz, Beni and Pando) that have solidly opposed the radical socialist agenda of Mr Morales and the ruling MAS party.

这个次大的反对阵线UN包括四个东部省份(Tarija, Santa Cruz, Beni和Pando),他们坚决反对Evo Morales和执政党MAS偏激的社会主义议程。

Great frigatebirds, silhouetted against a gray-blue sky, feed in the waters around Santa Cruz Island in the Galapagos.

在加拉帕戈斯群岛的Santa Cruz岛附近觅食的大军舰鸟,在灰蓝色天空中留下轮廓。

In Santa Cruz," says Mr Flores,"Kirchner behaved in all the ways he would when he became bigger in the country: manipulation, pressurising mayors, persecuting people who didn't agree with him.

在Santa Cruz省,」Rafael Flores表示,「Néstor Kirchner的行事风格就是如此,当他在国家舞台更将其发扬光大︰喜欢操弄,施压市长,迫害与他不合的人士。

Juhu Aerodrome at Mumbai airport and the Santa Cruz airport Indamer Ltd. owns the other 10 across India's maintenance bases, these bases are to be a common Civil Aviation Council approved, can provide maintenance services, MRO services, ground working services, interior decoration and other authorized services.??

位于孟买Juhu Aerodrome机场和Santa Cruz机场的Indamer有限公司另外拥有十处横跨印度的维修基地,这些基地皆得到了通用民用航空理事会(DGCA的认可,可以提供航线维护、MRO服务、地面周转服务、内饰装修及其他授权服务。

Because after the Inca Trail (4250m) in Peru, we were in Santa Cruz (4750m) three months later. And when we learned that a mountain called Cotopaxi near Quito in Ecuador is at 5897m of its highest point, we started having a thought "lets over 5000m height~".

因为自从在秘鲁走完印加古道的4250m后,三个月后我们来到4750m的 Santa Cruz ,之后又听到厄瓜多尔首都附近有座Cotopaxi,最高点5897m,那种「来跨越五千门槛吧~」的内心呼唤,自此一直不停的在呐喊著。

Can you take me to the closest small hotel near to the bus station which going to Santa Cruz?

你可否带我去离这儿最近的一个开往Santa Cruz的巴士站附近的小旅馆?

The blazes have forced thousands of people to leave their homes in the Santa Cruz Mountains.

这场大火迫使几千人离开他们在Santa Cruz山脉的家乡。

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Alone In Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz (The Catalyst)
Santa Cruz (You're Not That Far)

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
