英语人>网络例句>Q 相关的网络例句
与 Q 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Let m be a finite μ-invariant measure of Q-matrix, as Q is totally stable, consists of a single absorbing state or single-instantaneous state, we prove that exists Q-processes P , in which m be a μ-invariant measure of P , and construct the Q-processes P .


With the help of the traditional comparative approach and based on the research done by older generation, the author proceeds from the fundamental viewpoints of cognitive linguistics and from both the positive depiction argument exploration, specifically discussing the feature of "Provided p, q" being distinguished from "If p, q": Clause p in "Provided p, q"only indicates the minimum condition resulting in q while Clause p "If p, q" is not necessarily the minimum condition to the result q.

本文从认知语言学的基本观点出发,借助传统的比较方法,在前辈研究的基础上,从实证描写和理据探究两个方面,着重论述"只要p ,就q"区别于"如果p ,就q"的一个特征:"只要p ,就q"所引导的分句p一般只用来表示导致结果q的最低条件,而"如果p ,就q"所引导的分句p对于结果q来说则并不一定是最低条件。

And the perfect Q-vector was applied to diagnose a heary rain process for August 3~5, 1996. The results showed that there were more advantageous using the perfect Q-vector, and suggested that the perfect Q-vector could clearly reveal the system development of the heary rain; the divergence center or line, the divergence field and the frontogenesis function field of the perfect Q-vector could be used to locate the heary rain area; the center magnitudes of the perfect Q-vector divergence field and the frontogenesis function field could be signified the intensity of the heary rain.


In order to investigate the existence conditions of the robust optimal state feedback of uncertain system, we have to study the problem of GARE, that is the solution existence of the following equation PA+A'P+Q-PMP=0, Q=Q', M=M' In chapter 2, using some preliminary results and properties of the Riccati differential equation, we have established the sufficient conditions for the GARE problem.

在讨论不确定性系统LQL方法的状态反馈解的存在性条件时,引出了第二章讨论一般代数Riccati方程解的存在性问题,对一般Riccati方程 PA+A'P+Q-PMP=0,Q=Q',M=M'第二章中先列举讨论了Q、M为正、负定各种情况下的实对称解的存在条件,然后着重研究了M、Q不定的情形。

After descibing the concepts, definitionsand operation approaches of quantum group and SLq(2) Lie algebra, the physicalmeaning of quantum group particles is explained in the present thesis. The gaugeinvariance in SLq(2) gauge field and its thermodynamics model is considered basedon the idea of q-deformation. The zero energy gap equation and q-deformed energygap equation are derived under the assumption of q-quantization and semi-classical q-quantization, then the zero-temperature energy gap A(0,q) and crititical temperature〓 can be calculated from the q-energy gap equation.


Using Gαq/11 polyclonal antibody as prole and immunoblot analysis, we measured Gαq/11 contents in left ventricle of rats. There was a significant decrease in Gαq/11 content of CA rats compared with values of control animals after 3 days of operation (P<0.01). Gαq/11 contents were not modified in left ventricle after 10 and 30 days of stenosis.


The dissipation factor tip-up D tan d , the change of capacitance D C / C 0, the maximum discharge q max and the mean discharge magnitude q mean , A compared investigation of the correlations between V min , V av and service time were compared with those between D tan d , D C / C 0, q max, q mean and respectively.

对大量的不同运行年数的线棒进行了超声波 V min 和 V av 测量,以及介质损耗角增量 D tan d 、电容变化率 D C / C 0、最大放电量 q max 和平均放电量 q mean 等电气测量试验,对比研究了超声参数( V min 和 V av )和电气测量参数( D tan d 、 D C / C 0、 q max 和 q mean )与运行年数的相关性,发现, V min 和 V av 与的相关性很强,相关系数 R 分别为0.892和0.890,而 D tan d 、 q max 和 q mean 与的相关性较弱, R 在0.55~0.60范围内, D C / C 0与几乎没有相关性, R 仅为0.310;采用线性回归分析,分别建立了 V min 和 V av 与的二阶和三阶线性函数的数学模型, R-S 分别为0.828和0.903,并分别提出了最可靠运行年数和置信度为95%的可靠运行年数的预测方法。

Results The sensitivity (82.1%), likehood ratio (4.49), and Youden′s index (0.638) of UmA S/D were higher than those of UtA S/D;the sensitivtity (85.7%), specificity (82.9%), likehood ratio (5.01), and Youden′s index (0.686) of UmA △Q were all higher than those of UtA △Q; and the various indexes of UmA △Q and UtA △Q were higher than those of UmA S/D and UtA S/D; each index of IlA S/D and IlA △Q was lower.

结果:UmA S/D的敏感度(82.1%)、阳性似然比(4.49)及约登指数(0.638)均高于UtA S/D;UmA △Q的敏感度(85.7%)、特异度(82.9%)、阳性似然比(5.01)及约登指数(0.686)均高于UtA △Q,且UmA △Q和UtA △Q各项指标分别高于UmA S/D和UtA S/D;IlA S/D及IlA △Q各指标均较低。

The results from the experiment are: the amount of all micro-powders that grain sizes are less 0.044 mm should be less than 35% in weight, and the value of coarse q and attenuate q should be respectively 0.23 and 0.32, and the additive amount of active a-alumina and calcium alumina cement should be respectively 7% and 4% in weight, meanwhile, the best dispersant is PMAA-NH4 in the non-microsilica system; while the value of two q should be respectively 0.21 and 0.29, the amount of active a-alumina, microsilica and calcium alumina cement should be respectively 6%, 2% and 4% in weight, the best dispersants are sodium hexamer taphosphate and Na2P3Oio in the microsilica system.


Tz = 2Gk q 即 z = 2Gk q /T 40 Suppose the volume between membrane and the boundary plane is V, and we notice that 2 ∫∫ d x d y = M Then we have Thereby we have q qM V =∫∫ zdxdy =∫∫ dxdy = 2GTk 4GTk M 2 Gk = 2V q /T From τ zx =τ xz =, y z 2Gk τ zx /= y q / T τ z y =τ yz = x 41 Moreover, we get 设薄膜及其边界平面之间的体积为V,并注意到 2 ∫∫ d x d y = M 则有从而有由又可得 q qM V =∫∫ zdxdy =∫∫ dxdy = 2GTk 4GTk M 2 Gk = 2V q /T τ zx =τ xz =, y z 2Gk τ zx /= y q / T τ z y =τ yz = x 42 Adjust the pressure q of which the membrane is under, and make the rights of formulas,, equal to one, then we can gain some conclusions as follows:(1) The stress function of wringed pole equals to the uprightness angle of the membrane (2) The torsion M which wringed pole received equals to two times of the volume between the membrane and the boundary plane.

o b y a x 43 调整薄膜所受的压力q,使得,,三式等号的右边为1,则可得出如下结论:(1)扭杆的应力函数等于薄膜的垂度z。(2)扭杆所受的扭矩M等于该薄膜及其边界平面之间的体积的两倍。

第1/100页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Q & A
My I.Q.
Payback (P's And Q's)
Siq With A Q
Bar-B-Q Pope
Happened On A Saturday Night (Susie Q)
Suzie Q
Illusions (Q-Tip Remix)

I can't say anything hurtful about anyone.


She was a short fat woman , garbed in a very tight , very gaudy red dress .


Leaf blade orbicular or oblong to ovate-lanceolate, less than 3 × as long as wide, abaxially not pruinose.

叶片圆形或长圆形的到卵状披针形,少于3 *倍于宽,背面不具粉霜。