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与 Nigel 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At this point, she and Ben lay out for Nigel the whole history of the ill-fated ship Aurelia.


Her young life was spent in concert halls across Europe and North America, but Autumn grew bored of formal education before her teenage years set in. She attended the well-respected Colburn School of Performing Arts by her 10th birthday and there, she befriended famed violinist Nigel Kennedy.

她的童年是在欧洲和北美的音乐厅的演出中度过的,频繁的演出和辗转使她对正规教育产生了逆反心理,于是在她10岁时决定放弃学业进入著名的Colburn School of Performing Arts学习自己喜爱的音乐,在那里,她结识了著名小提琴家Nigel Kennedy并和他成了好友。

Global Insight economist Nigel Gault says the sales jump is a welcome sign of improvement in an industry that has suffered its worst slump in decades.

全球视野经济学家Nigel Gault称,房产市场在经历了几十年来的低谷之后,销量上涨是行业改善的标志。

And then he told Nigel and Nigel is also laughing hilariously.


Globe CEO Mr. Nigel Morris of Isobar Group (Subsidiary of AEGIS —— Europe's largest media group) advised: Digital Marketing is a marketing approach that applies the Internet, computer communications technology and Interactive digital media to achieve marketing goals.

Isobar 集团(欧洲最大媒体集团AEGIS 旗下公司)全球CEO 奈吉尔·莫里斯Nigel Morris)先生说:数字化营销,就是指借助于互联网络、电脑通信技术和数字交互式媒体来实现营销目标的一种营销方式。

It comes from Nigel Stepney, their former chief mechanic - I don't know what post he holds now.

这些来自于 Nigel Stepney,他们过去的首席机械师----我不知道他现在干什么。

Nigel Stepney is passing me a video of a series run by ITV (the people who think it is worth paying money to Ted Kravitz to say stuff like "good race Michael?" with a stupid grin all over his face when I have buried the car in the barriers) called Formula Women. It has a lot of women driving around a circuit in Mazda RX8 cars and it is like a cross between touring cars, stock cars and accidental rallycross. I have not laughed so much since Ralf told me he was marrying Cora.

Nigel Stepney(就是那个认为付钱给TED KRAVITZ从而换来他在即使在我撞毁赛车的时候也会说一些类似于'干得好,迈克'之类的话和露出那个满嘴龅牙的笑容是值得的人)给我一个ITV 拍摄的叫方程式女子的电视剧的video,里面有很多开着Mazda RX8的女车手,看起来就像开车旅游车,货车,偶尔也有拉力赛车的混合比赛,自从Ralf告诉我他要和Cora结婚之后,我还从来没有这么笑过。

"These dust storms are some of the largest in the last 70 years," said Nigel Tapper, an environmental scientist at Monash University,"Ten very dry years over inland southern Australia and very strong westerlies have conspired to produce these storms."

"这次沙尘暴是70年以来最严重的沙尘暴之一",莫纳什大学的环境科学家Nigel Tapper说,澳大利亚内部十年以来的干旱和强劲的西风带共同导致了这场沙尘暴。

NIGEL VINSON, Institute of Economic Affairs: She relied on him to give her deep intellectual support.

NIGEL VINSON,经济问题研究所:她依靠他来获取深度的思想支持。

"The fundamental challenge for any brand is to make sure that everybody understands the principles about how your brand can be used, to make the assets accessible, and to adapt what you're doing to blend into the local culture," says Nigel Hollis, chief global analyst at Millward Brown , a market research and brand consultancy.

&对任何品牌而言,基本的挑战是确保每个人理解关于你的品牌如何使用的原则,让品牌资产能被理解,并调整你的所作所为结合当地文化,&市场研究和品牌顾问公司 Millward Brown 的全球首席专家 Nigel Hollis 说。

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Making Plans For Nigel
Making Plans For Nigel
Making Plans For Nigel

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
