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与 Max 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The characteristics of 4-nitrophenol's λmax and εmax supply evidence that nitro is a better auxochrome for phenol derivatives.


For Bishop I just wanted to create something basic; I didn't want a lot of colour or points of interest to distract from my character. I decided just to make a tiled floor that was fairly beat up and worn down. I created the basic shapes in Max, using the same workflow as stated above for Bishop, and brought it into ZBrush for detailing. For things like the bullets, I just manually placed them by hand in Max.


I used a video case, took the shot into MAX, created a video box in MAX and then lined them both up perfectly, this way i could be sure where the ground was in my MAX scene, and that the animation would align correctly with the footage.


3Ds max to game scale In Warcraft III the unit scale in 3ds max is one inch, so a Peon is roughly 70 units tall. The tallest buildings are approximately 300 units tall.

3ds max到游戏场景的尺寸转换魔兽三中的一个尺寸单位相当于3ds max中的一英寸(这个是3ds max打开时默认的尺寸单位)。

Major results were summarized as follows:(1) A total of 58 tree species from 53 genera in 36 families among which 8 species were Rosaceae, 5 species were Liliaceae, 5 species were Eriaceae, 3 species were Ranunculaceae, 3 species were Compositae, 2 species were Cupressaceae, 2 species were Caprifoliaceae, 2 species were Umblliferae, and other 28 tree species were only one receptively. These were recorded in the 8 plots of the A. georgei var. smithii forest;(2) Number of families, genera, species and Margalef index correlated negatively with altitude (P.05), with a peak at 3600 m.(3) Shannon-Wiener index correlated negatively with altitude (P.01), and maintained stable at the altitudes between 3700~4100 m, evenness with altitudes, however, this trend was insignificant.(4) Jaccard index increased sharply with increasing altitude at the altitudes between 3600~4100 m, and was lower between different vegetation types at the altitudes between 4100~4200. Cody index β(subscript c decreased with an increasing altitude, but there were 2 troughs between 4000~4100 m and 4200~4300 m.(5) Maximum tree height H(subscript max and HH(subscript max=37 mcorrelated negatively with altitude (P.05); but basal area and BA BA(subscript max=5.3m^2 correlated with altitudes, however, this trend was insignificant.

结果表明:(1)在调查的8个急尖长苞冷杉林样地内共有植物58种,分属于36科53属,其中植物较多的科有蔷薇科8种、百合科5种、杜鹃花科5种、毛茛科3种、菊科3种、柏科2种、忍冬科2种、伞形科2种,其余的28科各只有1个种;(2)物种科、属、种数、Margalef指数D(下标 M与海拔存在显著的负相关性(P.05),在分布急尖长苞冷杉最低海拔3600m处出现物种丰富度的最大值;(3)多样性指数与海拔之间有极显著的负相关性(P.01),并且在3700~4100m之间多样性指数保持稳定;均匀度指数与海拔梯度之间存在负相关性,但不显著;(4)Jaccard指数C(下标 j在海拔3600~4100m随海拔的升高而升高,在生境过渡带的4100~4200m之间Jaccard指数C(下标 j较低;Cody指数β(下标 c随海拔的升高呈下降的趋势,但在4000~4100m和4200~4300m 海拔区间出现2个低谷;(5)最大树高H(下标 max和最大胸径DBH(下标 max与海拔之间存在显著负相关性(P.05);胸高断面积之和和立木密度与海拔之间存在负相关性,但不显著。

The LCQ Advantage is the workhorse ion trap mass spectrometer for 你好gh productivity LC/MS/MS results and is easily upgraded to MSn performance. The LCQ Advantage MAX now features the universal Ion Max source that allows simple tool-less switc你好ng of ionization probes. Ion Sweep Gas reduces chemical noise, w你好le a removable ion capillary tube allows for vent free source maintenance. Reliability combined with an easy-to-use interface, makes the LCQ Advantage MAX an ideal match for routine HPLC environment. Library searchable MS/MS spectra add confidence to the identification of analytes present in complex matrices.

LCQ Advantage MAX高效多级离子阱液质联用仪是离子阱光谱阐发平台,可以举行高效液相层析串联质谱LC/MS/MS阐发,而且可以很容易进级到电喷雾离子阱活络度MSnLCQ Advantage MAX高效多级离子阱液质联用仪此刻的首要独特之处是装有通用的Ion Max离子源,无须东西便可简略的调治离子探针,同时离子探针气体吹扫可以削减化学滋扰旌旗灯号可移植离子毛细现象柱无须真空便可养护LCQ Advantage MAX装备不变靠患上住,操做界面简略易用,抱负般配高效液相质谱测试并可检索液相质谱MS/MS库光谱

However, the extent of influence of substituent of group on λmax and εmax differs with the introduction position.


The dissipation factor tip-up D tan d , the change of capacitance D C / C 0, the maximum discharge q max and the mean discharge magnitude q mean , A compared investigation of the correlations between V min , V av and service time were compared with those between D tan d , D C / C 0, q max, q mean and respectively.

对大量的不同运行年数的线棒进行了超声波 V min 和 V av 测量,以及介质损耗角增量 D tan d 、电容变化率 D C / C 0、最大放电量 q max 和平均放电量 q mean 等电气测量试验,对比研究了超声参数( V min 和 V av )和电气测量参数( D tan d 、 D C / C 0、 q max 和 q mean )与运行年数的相关性,发现, V min 和 V av 与的相关性很强,相关系数 R 分别为0.892和0.890,而 D tan d 、 q max 和 q mean 与的相关性较弱, R 在0.55~0.60范围内, D C / C 0与几乎没有相关性, R 仅为0.310;采用线性回归分析,分别建立了 V min 和 V av 与的二阶和三阶线性函数的数学模型, R-S 分别为0.828和0.903,并分别提出了最可靠运行年数和置信度为95%的可靠运行年数的预测方法。

The results show that the introduction of 2-, 3- and 4- substituent of group leads to a bathochromic shift of position of the maximum absorption wavelength λmax, and also increases the molar extinction coefficient εmax.

2位、 3位和4位引入取代基可使酚类化合物的最大吸收波长λmax发生红移,摩尔消光系数εmax明显提高。

Modeling in Discreet 3ds max 6 with George Maestri is a movie-based tutorial designed to help new and existing 3ds max users explore complex modeling in 3ds max. The training takes the user through the steps needed to model a complete human character, as well as a realistic automobile. Tools covered include polygonal and subdivision modeling, patch modeling, and NURBS modeling. Exercise files accompany the training, allowing you to follow along and learn at your own pace.

本视频教学,由George Maestri主讲的在Discreet 3ds max 6中基于视频的建模教程是为了帮助新手和现有的3ds max用户钻研在3ds max中复杂的建模,教学带领学员通过必须的步骤来建造一个完整的人类角色,还有一个汽车工具的建模,其涵盖了多边形和细分面建模、路径建模和NURBS建模的技术,练习文件结合教学,允许你根据自己的时间安排学习进度

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Max And Frieda - Silver Wedding Anniversary
Max Julien
"Max Is Stable"
Red Baron / Blue Max
She's My Rushmore, Max
Max And Scar
Alphabeta Max
The Max
Love Me To The Max
Hardcore Max

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
