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与 Florida 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Florida, the court has begun to limit congress's rights to abrogate a state's sovereign immunity.


Another story that I heard repeated for years had to do with the night when the light had gone out and my grandfather poured a bottle of ink on his head thinking it was his Agua Florida.

另有一个我在好几年里反复听到过的故事,肯定和某个夜晚有关,那晚,当灯熄灭后,外祖父把一瓶墨水洒在头上,还以为那是他的Agua Florida香水。

Chauncey Mabe of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel calls the book "one of the most satisfying environmental books of recent memory, one devoid of self-righteousness, alarmism or tiresome doomsaying".

南佛罗里达太阳报》( South Florida Sun-Sentinel)的昌西·玛贝称该书为"近期最让人满意的环保书籍之一,没有自以为是、危言耸听甚至是烦人的世界毁灭论。"

" We're going to Florida,," she said brightly I hear it's really beautiful.

"我们要到florida 去,她很高兴的说,"我听说那里非常美丽。

Carl Kotala of Florida Today writes in his column: Jones blamed his poor showing in the first Jones-Tarver fight on being sluggish after dropping from heavyweight to the 175-pound light heavyweight limit.

Carl Kotala of Florida 今日在他专栏撰文写到:琼斯在他和塔费尔德首战中表现级差,动作迟缓,在他从1765磅的轻重量级别降下来,老刘毫无疑义是世界冠军,在他和那曼比赛前夕他出演电影"大洋11大盗"一个小脚色,随后被拉曼击倒

The gator is traveling from New York to Florida where he'll spend his days in a reptile sanctuary.


I'm not going to overanalyze it with Mario," Heat coach Erik Spoelstra told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel."

我不想过分的评价马里奥主教练埃里克斯特拉在接受 South Florida Sun-Sentinel。

"Setting a date and conveying it to the enemy and telegraphing to them verbatim that the war is lost is not the right posture for this government to take," said Rep. Adam Putnam, R-Florida.

&设置一个时间,把它告诉敌人,或是逐字的发电报告诉他们我们战败了不是这个政府将要采取的姿态& Florida州的共和党人Adam Putnam说。

It has been suggested that in 1999 some of the coastal residents of Georgia and Florida, who were fleeing the earlier predicted landfalls of Hurricane Floyd to the south, came up I-95 and compounded the traffic problems.

在1999年,人们还会记得,若干 Georgia 州和 Florida 州的沿岸居民逃避较早预报的 Floyd 飓风南部登陆,沿着 I-95公路北上而加重了南卡罗来纳州交通问题。

Clematis florida .A unique species with very original flowers: white with a greenish stripe on the reverse of the sepals and dark purple-black stamens.

Clematis florida 是一种稀有的铁线莲品种,有着非常原始的花朵:白色花朵,在萼片的反面带有绿色的条纹,雄蕊呈深紫黑色。

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Sink, Florida, Sink
The Florida Sun
Summer In Florida
Florida Time
Celebration, Florida
Mainline Florida
Lake Havasu (In Florida)
Don't Let Me Die In Florida

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
