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与 Berlin 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As I'm looking at the set design for Heinrich's show, I see a huge Berlin Wall.


I always tell them to follow the advice that Irving Berlin had for George Gershwin, Ebb says.

我总是让他们遵循Irving Berlin当年给George Gershwin的建议。Ebb 说到。

For example, Heinrich is from Germany, and not to get all history lesson-y on you, but I think the significance of the Berlin Wall is worth mentioning.


In "Russian Thinkers", Berlin tackled a clique of 19th-century talkers considered heavy going even by Russia's exacting standards—and his critique became not merely a popular paperback but even, in the hands of Sir Tom Stoppard, a sparkling trilogy of plays,"The Coast of Utopia".


Lass' sie nach Berlin kommen. Let them come to Berlin.

Lasst sie nach Berlin kommen(德语,意为&让他们来柏林)!&

Jeans Team: The old owners of Berlin Tokyo, a crazy 90's Berlin art gallery collective that fostered artists the likes of Peaches (who covered their song "Keine Melodien") Jeans Team delivers fast paced dance ready songs with pitch perfect production and an eccentric energetic show featuring lead singer Reimo Herfort dancing in spasmic glory decked out in fantasy costumes.

Jeans Team的成员曾是90年代柏林疯狂的艺术画廊Berlin Tokyo的老板,他们的团队中还包括Peaches(曾经翻唱过他们制作的&KeineMelodien&这首歌)为代表的一群音乐人。Jeans Team擅长创作快节奏的舞曲,配合他们精美的制作,以及主唱Reimo Herfort略显古怪却充满激情的表演,他们的现场总是很轻松就能调动起观众的激情,现场可谓听觉和视觉的双重享受。

Jeans Team: Past owners of Berlin Tokyo, a crazy 90's Berlin art gallery collective that fostered artists the likes of Peaches (who covered their song "Keine Melodien") Jeans Team delivers fast-paced dance ready songs with pitch-perfect production and an eccentric energetic show featuring lead singer Reimo Herfort (ex-member of Stereototal) dancing in spasmic glory decked out in fantasy costumes.

Jeans Team的成员曾是90年代柏林疯狂的艺术画廊Berlin Tokyo的老板,他们的团队中还包括Peaches(曾经翻唱过他们制作的&KeineMelodien&这首歌)为代表的一群音乐人。Jeans Team擅长创作快节奏的舞曲,配合他们精美的制作,以及主唱Reimo Herfort略显古怪却充满激情的表演,他们的现场总是很轻松就能调动起观众的激情,现场可谓听觉和视觉的双重享受。

When she belatedly recorded the full cycle, with Riccardo Chailly and the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, in 1986, her performance was notable for the devotional serenity she brought to the slow movements and her fleet but dignified renderings of the Allegros.

在1986年,与Riccardo Chailly和柏林广播交响乐团(Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra)合作完成的这张迟来的专辑中,对她的作品有完整的记录。她表演的点睛之处在于那慢悠的肢体动作中所呈现的虔诚和静谧,抑或是那急速的乐章中演绎出的轻快而又不失庄严之感。

When she belatedly recorded the full cycle, with Riccardo Chailly and the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, in 1986, her performance was notable for the devotional serenity she brought to the slow movements and her fleet but dignified renderings of the Allegros.

在1986年,与Riccardo Chailly和柏林广播交响乐团(Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra)合作完成的这张迟来的专辑中,对她的作品有完整的记录。她表演的点睛之处在于那缓慢的肢体动作中所呈现的虔诚和静谧,抑或是那急速的乐章中演绎出的轻快而又不失庄严之感。

WHITE SPACE BEIJING (in co-operation with ALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN) is participating in the following art fairs: ART FORUM Berlin, ART COLOGNE, CIGE Beijing, ART Beijing and ShContemporary.

空白空间与ALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN合作参加的艺术博览会如下:柏林国际画廊博览会,科隆国际艺术博览会,中国国际画廊博览会,艺术北京,上海艺术博览会国际当代艺术展。

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Summer In Berlin
Summer In Berlin (Demo 1)
East River Berlin Wall
Dancing In Berlin
Crying Berlin
There'll Be A Hot Time In The Town Of Berlin
Berlin Sunrise
Holiday In Berlin

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
