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与 August 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Although August Weismann had expressed doubts about the theory earlier, it did not fall out of scientific favor until the 1890s, when a series of experiments by James Cossar Ewart in Scotland and other researchers in Germany and Brazil failed to find any evidence of the phenomenon.

虽然August Weismann最早对这个理论提出了质疑,但是直到1890年代,当James Cossar Ewart在苏格兰,其他研究者在德国、巴西等做的一系列的实验未找到任何先父遗传现象的证据之后,这个理论才淡出科学的视野。

Although August Weismann had expressed doubts about the theory earlier, it did not fall out of scientific favor until the 1890s, when a series of experiments by James Cossar Ewart in Scotland and other researchers in Germany and Brazil failed to find anyevidence of the phenomenon.

虽然August Weismann早先对这个理论表示怀疑,但直到19世纪90年代,这理论仍然获得科学上的支持,直到 James Cossar Ewart 在苏格兰及其他一系列研究者在德国和巴西所做的一系列实验,都未发现有关现象的证据。

Although august weismann had expressed doubts about the theory earlier, it did not fall out of scientific favor until the 1890s, when a series of experiments by james cossar ewart in scotland and other researchers in germany and brazil failed to find any evidence of the phenomenon. the result obtained by morton could probably be caused by the display in the offspring of the recessive genes inherited by the morton's mare from her parents/grandparents.

虽然august weismann早先对这个理论表示怀疑,但直到19世纪90年代,这理论仍然获得科学上的支持,直到 james cossar ewart in scotland 及其他一系列研究者在德国和巴西所做的一系列实验都未发现有关现象的证据。morton所观察到的现象可以被解释为后代从它的父母/祖父母身上继承了隐性基因,并表现出性状。

Although august weismann had expressed doubts about the theory earlier, it did not fall out of scientific favor until the 1890s, when a series of experiments by james cossar ewart in scotland and other researchers in germany and brazil failed to find anyevidence of the phenomenon. the result obtained by morton could probably be caused by the display in the offspring of the recessive genes inherited by the mortons mare from her parents/grandparents.

虽然august weismann早先对这个理论表示怀疑,但直到19世纪90年代,这理论仍然获得科学上的支持,直到 james cossar ewart 在苏格兰及其他一系列研究者在德国和巴西所做的一系列实验,都未发现有关现象的证据。morton所观察到的现象可以被解释为后代从它的父母/祖父母身上继承了隐性基因,并表现出性状。

The company's products include: Ingersoll-Rand, FS, SuIIair, Atlas copco, Hanshin, ANDEROL, AUGUST, WOYO, CompAir, LIUTECH, KAESER, SCREW, MATTEI, HANIBELL, PUMA, IWATA, KOBELCO, HITACHI, Linghein, GANEY, WOLF, ECOAIR, ASK, MITSUISEKI, Enric, RC, ROTORCOMP, BOGE air filters, oil filters, the smallest pressure valve, oil separation small, oil-concept, unloading valve, emptying valve,精密过滤器, nose seal, Intake valve, solenoid valves, silencers, high and low voltage lines, automatic drainage, and cold-water-cooled, coolers, trap, the intake valve cylinder, patch, sensors, AB contact, Wen Kongfa, spiral valve , Compressors for oil, one-way valve, off oil valves, compressors carbon deposition cleaning agent, overhaul and other major brand bearing compressor accessories and after-processing equipment, while sales of general machinery, engineering machinery, tunneling machinery, power machinery, mining Machinery and spare parts.

公司的产品包括:Ingersoll-Rand、FS、SuIIair、Atlas copco、Hanshin、ANDEROL、AUGUST、WOYO、CompAir、LIUTECH、KAESER、SCREW、MATTEI、HANIBELL、PUMA、IWATA、KOBELCO、HITACHI、Linghein、GANEY、WOLF、ECOAIR、ASK、MITSUISEKI、Enric、RC、ROTORCOMP、BOGE空气过滤器、油过滤器、最小压力阀、油细分离器、观油镜、卸荷阀、放空阀、精密过滤器、机头轴封、进气阀、电磁阀、消音器、高低压油管、自动排水器、分冷及水冷,冷却器、疏水阀、进气阀气缸、膜片、传感器、AB接触器、温控阀、螺旋阀、压缩机专用油、单向阀、断油阀、压缩机积碳清洗剂、大修轴承等各大品牌压缩机配件及后处理设备,同时销售通用机械、工程机械、掘进机械、动力机械、矿山机械及零配件。

They called it "infection of the germ", a neat instance of a modern sounding phrase with an obsolete meaning: the fetus permanently affecting the mother's reserve eggs. this idea was given its impressive greek name, telegony ("at a distance"and "offspring") by august weismann (1834–1914), the german biologist whose rigorous separation of somatic and germinal cells cast doubt on the inheritance of acquired characteristics. weismann believed his notion of the germ plasm could explain telegony, should it be shown to exist, but he doubted its reality.

他们称之为"细菌感染",意思是"胎儿永久影响母亲的储备卵子"。august weismann(1834年~1914年,德国生物学家)给这一理论起了一个令人印象深刻的希腊名字, telegony ("距离"和"后代"),他仔细的分离肉体和生发细胞,对特征遗传提出质疑。weismann相信他的关于遗传物质的概念可以解释telegony,它可能是真的,但weismann怀疑其真实性。

In 1991, basing on it, Ernst-August Gutt presented the relevance-theoretic account of translation which provides a totally new perspective for the field of translation and which intends to explain translation activity.

该理论把语言交际看作是一种明示——推理的认知过程。1991年, Ernst-August Gutt在此基础上提出了关联翻译理论,从一个全新的角度——认知——研究翻译,并用以解释翻译活动,指导翻译实践。

August 21, 2008 — Specific skin-odor profiles can be used to identify basal-cell carcinoma, researchers reported at the American Chemical Society 236th National Meeting and Exposition. These findings may eventually translate into novel and effective methods of diagnosing not only basal-cell carcinoma, but also squamous-cell cancer and melanoma.

August 21, 2008 —研究者在美国化学会第236届年会与展览中指出,特定的皮肤味道档案可以作为辨识基底细胞癌的工具,这些发现最终可以变为基底细胞癌和鳞状上皮细胞癌、黑色素瘤之新的有效诊断方式。

SIR – In international events bronze medallists usually get little attention ("A ticket for corruption", August 12th).

先生-国际赛事中的铜牌获得者通常很少会获得大家的关注(&A ticket for corruption&, August 12th)。

As early as 1937, as a first-year student, I chose to write a descriptive essay on "The Samsonov Disaster" of 1914 in East Prussia and studied material on this; and in 1945 I myself went to this area (at the time of writing, autumn 1970, the book August 1914 has just been completed).

早在1937年,作为一个一年级的学生,我曾写过一篇关于发生在1914年东普鲁士的&Samsonov灾难&的叙述性论文,并且研究了大量关于这一事件的材料;在之后的1945年,我亲自来到了这里(在学这篇文章的时候,1970年的秋天,新书《1914年八月》( August 1914 )刚刚完成。

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August 28th 3:30 A.M.
The 33rd Of August
August Moon
August 7, 4:15
The First Day In August
Prologue, August 29, 1968
Someday (August 29, 1968)
The 33rd Of August
In August

He is intelligent, passionate, and a fun guy to hang around with.


First-rate method is to send a person to do mastication technically to digest these stuffs.


But there are many drawbacks if the government monopolizes their supply .
