歌词 "I'm Totally Not Down With Rob's Alien" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I'm Totally Not Down With Rob's Alien



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

At noon the wind comes through 正午时分,狂风大作,通过

Across the bay on a clear day 横跨在一个晴朗的日子海湾

And I can watch the boats come in and set their anchors 我可以看的船进来,并设置其锚

And my folks are away at the store 而我的父母离开在商店

So I don't have to listen 所以,我没有听

To anyone 任何人

Say anything 说什么


And I swim out as far as I can 我游出的尽我所能

And float on my back 而浮在我的背上

Just waiting for nothing 只是在等待什么


I hope they never come back to this hosue 我希望他们永远不会回到这个hosue

It's a lot more fun alone 这是一个更加有乐趣孤独

I can do anything I want 我可以做任何我想要

And so I'm swimming 所以我在游泳

More like floating 更多类似浮动

And I'll just stay out here 而我就住在这里

Until the night comes crashing down 直到夜幕降临轰然倒下


And I swim 而任我游

Out as far as I can 出据我可以

And float on my back 而浮在我的背上

Just waiting for nothing 只是在等待什么

They always come home 他们总是回家

At the wrong time 在错误的时间

Like when I'm alright 当我没事喜欢

And don't need no one at all 并且不需要任何一个在所有

歌词 I'm Totally Not Down With Rob's Alien 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i_m-totally-not-down-with-rob_s-alien/