歌词 "Any Day Woman" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Any Day Woman



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

If you don't love her you'd better let her go 如果你不爱她,你最好是让她去

You'll never fool her you're bound to let it show 你永远不会欺骗她的你一定要让它显示

Love's so hard to take when you have to fake 爱的那么辛苦,当你有假拿

Everything in return 作为回报一切

You just preserve her 你只要保持自己

When you serve her a little tenderness. 当你成为她的一点点温柔。


If she's a woman she'll try to make it last 如果她是一个女人,她会尽量做到最后

If you're a man now you'd better end it fast 如果你是一个男人,现在你最好还是系铃人快

There's no reason here, no treason here 我们没有理由在这里,没有任何叛国这里

Jus the way a womans mind 强制的方式一个女人的心灵

Well she has no name. she has no shame 好了,她还没有名字。她没有羞耻

She just loves you 她只是爱你


It's not easy to undo what's done 这并不容易撤消什么做

Or to speak too freely to just anyone 或者说太随意,随处

And if this takes more than you bargained for 如果这需要比你讨价还价更多

Boy it's time you learned 男孩,这是你学习的时间

Not to talk so loud, not to walk so proud 不要那么大声地说话,不要走那么骄傲

When you're comin' on. 当你马上就要来的。

歌词 Any Day Woman 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/any-day-woman/