英语人>词典>汉英 : 黑线 的英文翻译,例句
黑线 的英文翻译、例句


lineae nigra · nigra line
更多网络例句与黑线相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At first glance it does not seem that a few black lines on a photographic plate can get us very far in understanding the stars.


In contrast to this black line, note the high signal extending anteriorly in two branches, one into the ansa lenticularis, and the other into the cerebral peduncle.


The species infected were mainly Apodemus agrarius and Microtus fortis. The main tick pathogen was Babesia microti and B. divergens, with the highest infection rate of 25.0%-27.3% and 33.0%-42.9% respectively, followed by Borrelia garinii and B. afzelii, with the infection rate of 21.2%-30.0% and 28.6%-33.0% respectively. The infection of tick borne encephalitis virus to rodent was the lowest, with the infection rate of 5.00%.

结果 对102只鼠类进行检测,发现有9种蜱媒病原,主要感染的鼠类为黑线姬鼠和东方田鼠;病原感染率高的是微小巴贝西原虫,分别为25.0%~27.3%和33.0%~42.9%;其次是莱姆病螺旋体,感染率分别达21.2%~30.0%和28.6%~33.0%;病原感染率较低的是病毒类森林脑炎,仅在东宁林区的2只黑线姬鼠中发现,感染率为5.00%。

The diagram above show a large production blacking line with full rinse water recycling.


Phodopus roborovskii and Cricetulus barabensis feed mainly on various plant seeds and insects according to the analysis of cheek pouch contents and stomach contents, plant seeds are also primary foods of them and high water-content green plants are needed to replenish water in feeding experiments.


There will be a black line on the screen, and chromatism is very apparent above and below the line


The Markov forecast model, time series method (triple exponential smoothing method and a combined of triple exponential smoothing method and Markov model) and stepwise regression forecast method were choosed, and the basic principles and processes of the three models were analyzed and compared. Based on above, the three methods were used to predict population dynamic of Cricetulus barabansis and Meriones unguiculatus. The characteristic, accuracy and applicability of three methods were analysed and compared. The results showed that,(1) Markov model belongs to a middle-long time forecast model, and the result was interval forecast, but it reached the requirement of forecasting the harmful population dynamic of rodents. Through the forecasted population dynamic of Cricetulus barabansis and Meriones unguiculatus in 2004, the results were accurate; this meant that Markov model was a good forecast model to Cricetulus barabansis and Meriones unguiculatus population.


Among them, Anourosorex squamipes(49.55%) and Apodernus agrarius(45.34%) were the dominant species, Crocidura shantungensis(3.60%) was the common species, and Rattus norvegicus(0.90%) was the rare species. Seen from the quantity fluctuation of rat?shape mammals, there were two peaks in the whole year.

结果 乐山市&三江&河漫滩鼠形动物的群落结构组成为&微尾鼩+黑线姬鼠+山东小麝鼩+褐家鼠&,其中微尾鼩(49.55%)和黑线姬鼠(45.34%)为优势种,山东小麝鼩(3.60%)为普通种,褐家鼠(0.90%)为稀有种。

In this study the genetic structure of the rat-like hamster from three locations in Hebei province and the Chinese hamster, the striped field mouse, the Chinese White-bellied Rat from two locations in Shandong Province were evaluated by SNP analysis of the full sequences of mitochondrial DNA control region.


Absolutes in some cases, the trap line may use Mixed, Mixed refers to the trap color is met two colors on a color separation and the resulting color.


更多网络解释与黑线相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

darker line:黑线

cross-eye 斜视眼,对眼 | darker line 黑线 | dehydrate 脱水


特产的黑线鳕鱼(Haddock),头和背部是暗紫色,侧线是黑色的,腹部的色彩是淡银色略带粉红. 新鲜鱼和冷冻鱼片都由当地往外销售,以黑线鳕鱼(Haddock)为原料的美食味道非常独特.


虾和"longuistinas"这2种鱈鱼常吃的食物却大量增加. 例如苏格兰(Scotland),这类名为"nephros"的虾品种的渔业地位已经和黑线鱈(haddock)同等重要,以炸大虾的形式出售,数量远较鱈鱼为多,价值也较高.

Findon haddock:开肚去头冷熏黑线鳕

finder 探测器;(显微镜)探示器 | Findon haddock 开肚去头冷熏黑线鳕 | fine adjustment 精密校正;微调

BLACK STRIPE:黑条,黑线病,条溃疡

black strip 黑带钢,热轧带钢 | black stripe 黑条,黑线病,条溃疡 | black striped plant bug 中黑盲蝽

Crocidura attenuata:灰麝鼩

灰麝鼩(Crocidura attenuata)和黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)在四川南充地区有相似的生活环境,但食性迥异.本文对二者的消化道进行了初步的比较解剖研究,发现二者存在显著差别:灰麝鼩无盲肠,消化道总长仅为黑线姬鼠的一半,胃壁薄;黑线姬鼠具盲肠,

Brauchst du schwarzen oder weissen Faden (Zwirn):你要黑线还是白线

你要跟她合作可要小心, Du wirst mit ihr zusammenarbeiten ? Dann sei vorsichtig . | 你要黑线还是白线? Brauchst du schwarzen oder weissen Faden (Zwirn)? | 揑面之木盘 der Backtrog

Nerita lineata:黑 線 蜒 螺

研究了福建九龙江河口不同林龄、不同红树种类的人工林中黑口滨螺(Littoraia melanostoma)和黑线蜒螺(Nerita lineata)的分布情况.结果表明,黑线蜒螺主要分布于秋茄林内,且其生物量随林龄增加而增加;桐花树林内黑口滨螺的生物量和密度均大于林龄相近的秋茄林,

black light:黑线

black in the face 脸色发紫 | black light 黑线 | black out 撤光

Z. nigromarginatus:黑线乌梢蛇

乌梢蛇 Zaocys dhumnades | 黑线乌梢蛇 Z. nigromarginatus | 银环蛇 Bungarus multicinctus